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Year Career BA   Single-Season BA   ActiveBA   Yearly BA
1871 Levi Meyerle .492 Levi Meyerle .492
1872 Levi Meyerle .492 Ross Barnes .430
1873 Levi Meyerle .492 Ross Barnes .431
1874 Levi Meyerle .492 Levi Meyerle .394
1875 Levi Meyerle .492 Deacon White+ .367

1876 Ross Barnes .429 Ross Barnes .429
1877 Ross Barnes .429 Deacon White+ .387
1878 Ross Barnes .429 Paul Hines .358
1879 Ross Barnes .429 Paul Hines .357
1880 Ross Barnes .429 George Gore .360
1881 Cap Anson+ .354 Ross Barnes .429 Cap Anson+ .354 Cap Anson+ .399
1882 Cap Anson+ .355 Ross Barnes .429 Cap Anson+ .355 Pete Browning .378
1883 Cap Anson+ .350 Ross Barnes .429 Cap Anson+ .350 Dan Brouthers+ .374
1884 Cap Anson+ .348 Ross Barnes .429 Cap Anson+ .348 Fred Dunlap .412
1885 Cap Anson+ .344 Ross Barnes .429 Cap Anson+ .344 Roger Connor+ .371
1886 Cap Anson+ .347 Ross Barnes .429 Cap Anson+ .347 King Kelly+ .388
1887 Dan Brouthers+ .347 Tip O'Neill .435 Dan Brouthers+ .347 Tip O'Neill .435
1888 Pete Browning .354 Tip O'Neill .435 Pete Browning .354 Cap Anson+ .344
1889 Cap Anson+ .346 Tip O'Neill .435 Cap Anson+ .346 Dan Brouthers+ .373
1890 Pete Browning .348 Tip O'Neill .435 Pete Browning .348 Pete Browning .373
1891 Pete Browning .345 Tip O'Neill .435 Pete Browning .345 Dan Brouthers+ .350
1892 Dan Brouthers+ .343 Tip O'Neill .435 Dan Brouthers+ .343 Dan Brouthers+ .335
1893 Dan Brouthers+ .343 Tip O'Neill .435 Dan Brouthers+ .343 Billy Hamilton+ .380
1894 Dan Brouthers+ .343 Hugh Duffy+ .440 Dan Brouthers+ .343 Hugh Duffy+ .440
1895 Billy Hamilton+ .349 Hugh Duffy+ .440 Billy Hamilton+ .349 Jesse Burkett+ .405
1896 Billy Hamilton+ .351 Hugh Duffy+ .440 Billy Hamilton+ .351 Jesse Burkett+ .410
1897 Jesse Burkett+ .353 Hugh Duffy+ .440 Jesse Burkett+ .353 Willie Keeler+ .424
1898 Willie Keeler+ .385 Hugh Duffy+ .440 Willie Keeler+ .385 Willie Keeler+ .385
1899 Willie Keeler+ .384 Hugh Duffy+ .440 Willie Keeler+ .384 Ed Delahanty+ .410
1900 Willie Keeler+ .381 Hugh Duffy+ .440 Willie Keeler+ .381 Honus Wagner+ .381
1901 Willie Keeler+ .376 Hugh Duffy+ .440 Willie Keeler+ .376 Nap Lajoie+ .426
1902 Willie Keeler+ .371 Hugh Duffy+ .440 Willie Keeler+ .371 Nap Lajoie+ .378
1903 Willie Keeler+ .366 Hugh Duffy+ .440 Willie Keeler+ .366 Honus Wagner+ .355
1904 Willie Keeler+ .364 Hugh Duffy+ .440 Willie Keeler+ .364 Nap Lajoie+ .376
1905 Nap Lajoie+ .361 Hugh Duffy+ .440 Nap Lajoie+ .361 Cy Seymour .377
1906 Nap Lajoie+ .360 Hugh Duffy+ .440 Nap Lajoie+ .360 George Stone .358
1907 Nap Lajoie+ .355 Hugh Duffy+ .440 Nap Lajoie+ .355 Ty Cobb+ .350
1908 Nap Lajoie+ .348 Hugh Duffy+ .440 Nap Lajoie+ .348 Honus Wagner+ .354
1909 Nap Lajoie+ .347 Hugh Duffy+ .440 Nap Lajoie+ .347 Ty Cobb+ .377
1910 Nap Lajoie+ .350 Hugh Duffy+ .440 Nap Lajoie+ .350 Nap Lajoie+ .383
1911 Ty Cobb+ .358 Hugh Duffy+ .440 Ty Cobb+ .358 Ty Cobb+ .419
1912 Ty Cobb+ .366 Hugh Duffy+ .440 Ty Cobb+ .366 Ty Cobb+ .409
1913 Ty Cobb+ .368 Hugh Duffy+ .440 Ty Cobb+ .368 Ty Cobb+ .389
1914 Ty Cobb+ .368 Hugh Duffy+ .440 Ty Cobb+ .368 Benny Kauff .370
1915 Ty Cobb+ .368 Hugh Duffy+ .440 Ty Cobb+ .368 Ty Cobb+ .369
1916 Ty Cobb+ .368 Hugh Duffy+ .440 Ty Cobb+ .368 Tris Speaker+ .386
1917 Ty Cobb+ .370 Hugh Duffy+ .440 Ty Cobb+ .370 Ty Cobb+ .383
1918 Ty Cobb+ .370 Hugh Duffy+ .440 Ty Cobb+ .370 Ty Cobb+ .382
1919 Ty Cobb+ .371 Hugh Duffy+ .440 Ty Cobb+ .371 Ty Cobb+ .384
1920 Ty Cobb+ .369 Hugh Duffy+ .440 Ty Cobb+ .369 Cristóbal Torriente+ .411
1921 Ty Cobb+ .370 Hugh Duffy+ .440 Ty Cobb+ .370 Oscar Charleston+ .433
1922 Ty Cobb+ .372 Hugh Duffy+ .440 Ty Cobb+ .372 George Sisler+ .420
1923 Ty Cobb+ .370 Hugh Duffy+ .440 Ty Cobb+ .370 Biz Mackey+ .423
1924 Ty Cobb+ .368 Hugh Duffy+ .440 Ty Cobb+ .368 Rogers Hornsby+ .424
1925 Ty Cobb+ .369 Hugh Duffy+ .440 Ty Cobb+ .369 Oscar Charleston+ .427
1926 Ty Cobb+ .368 Hugh Duffy+ .440 Ty Cobb+ .368 Mule Suttles+ .425
1927 Ty Cobb+ .368 Hugh Duffy+ .440 Ty Cobb+ .368 Roy Parnell .422
1928 Ty Cobb+ .366 Hugh Duffy+ .440 Ty Cobb+ .366 Jud Wilson+ .399
1929 Ty Cobb+ .366 Charlie Smith .451 Rogers Hornsby+ .363 Charlie Smith .451
1930 Ty Cobb+ .366 Charlie Smith .451 Rogers Hornsby+ .362 Willie Wells+ .411
1931 Ty Cobb+ .366 Charlie Smith .451 Al Simmons+ .363 Al Simmons+ .390
1932 Ty Cobb+ .366 Charlie Smith .451 Lefty O'Doul .361 Dick Lundy .381
1933 Oscar Charleston+ .377 Charlie Smith .451 Oscar Charleston+ .377 Jabbo Andrews .398
1934 Oscar Charleston+ .373 Charlie Smith .451 Oscar Charleston+ .373 Buddy Burbage .438
1935 Oscar Charleston+ .368 Charlie Smith .451 Oscar Charleston+ .368 Buck Leonard+ .389
1936 Oscar Charleston+ .367 Charlie Smith .451 Oscar Charleston+ .367 Josh Gibson+ .389
1937 Ty Cobb+ .366 Charlie Smith .451 Oscar Charleston+ .366 Josh Gibson+ .417
1938 Ty Cobb+ .366 Charlie Smith .451 Oscar Charleston+ .366 Buck Leonard+ .420
1939 Ty Cobb+ .366 Charlie Smith .451 Oscar Charleston+ .364 Josh Gibson+ .402
1940 Ty Cobb+ .366 Charlie Smith .451 Oscar Charleston+ .365 Monte Irvin+ .380
1941 Ty Cobb+ .366 Lyman Bostock .466 Oscar Charleston+ .365 Lyman Bostock .466
1942 Ty Cobb+ .366 Lyman Bostock .466 Jud Wilson+ .358 Ted Strong .364
1943 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Jud Wilson+ .354 Tetelo Vargas .471
1944 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Jud Wilson+ .351 Jesse Douglas .400
1945 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Jud Wilson+ .350 Ed Steele .394
1946 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Ted Williams+ .353 Monte Irvin+ .369
1947 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Ted Williams+ .352 Henry Kimbro .385
1948 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Ted Williams+ .354 Artie Wilson .433
1949 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Ted Williams+ .353 George Kell+ .343
1950 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Ted Williams+ .350 Billy Goodman .354
1951 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Stan Musial+ .347 Stan Musial+ .355
1952 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Ted Williams+ .347 Stan Musial+ .336
1953 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Ted Williams+ .348 Carl Furillo .344
1954 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Ted Williams+ .348 Willie Mays+ .345
1955 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Ted Williams+ .348 Al Kaline+ .340
1956 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Ted Williams+ .348 Mickey Mantle+ .353
1957 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Ted Williams+ .350 Ted Williams+ .388
1958 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Ted Williams+ .349 Richie Ashburn+ .350
1959 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Ted Williams+ .346 Henry Aaron+ .355
1960 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Ted Williams+ .344 Dick Groat .325
1961 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Stan Musial+ .333 Norm Cash .361
1962 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Stan Musial+ .333 Tommy Davis .346
1963 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Stan Musial+ .331 Tommy Davis .326
1964 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Henry Aaron+ .320 Roberto Clemente+ .339
1965 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Henry Aaron+ .320 Roberto Clemente+ .329
1966 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Henry Aaron+ .317 Matty Alou .342
1967 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Henry Aaron+ .316 Roberto Clemente+ .357
1968 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Henry Aaron+ .314 Pete Rose .335
1969 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Roberto Clemente+ .314 Pete Rose .348
1970 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Roberto Clemente+ .316 Rico Carty .366
1971 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Roberto Clemente+ .318 Joe Torre+ .363
1972 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Roberto Clemente+ .317 Billy Williams+ .333
1973 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Rod Carew+ .316 Rod Carew+ .350
1974 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Rod Carew+ .323 Rod Carew+ .364
1975 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Rod Carew+ .328 Rod Carew+ .359
1976 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Rod Carew+ .328 Bill Madlock .339
1977 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Rod Carew+ .335 Rod Carew+ .388
1978 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Rod Carew+ .334 Dave Parker+ .334
1979 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Rod Carew+ .333 Keith Hernandez .344
1980 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Rod Carew+ .333 George Brett+ .390
1981 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Rod Carew+ .332 Bill Madlock .341
1982 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Rod Carew+ .331 Willie Wilson .332
1983 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Rod Carew+ .331 Wade Boggs+ .361
1984 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Rod Carew+ .330 Tony Gwynn+ .351
1985 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Rod Carew+ .328 Wade Boggs+ .368
1986 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Wade Boggs+ .352 Wade Boggs+ .357
1987 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Wade Boggs+ .354 Tony Gwynn+ .370
1988 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Wade Boggs+ .356 Wade Boggs+ .366
1989 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Wade Boggs+ .352 Kirby Puckett+ .339
1990 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Wade Boggs+ .346 Eddie Murray+ .330
1991 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Wade Boggs+ .345 Julio Franco .341
1992 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Wade Boggs+ .338 Edgar Martínez+ .343
1993 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Wade Boggs+ .335 Andrés Galarraga .370
1994 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Wade Boggs+ .335 Tony Gwynn+ .394
1995 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Tony Gwynn+ .336 Tony Gwynn+ .368
1996 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Tony Gwynn+ .337 Alex Rodriguez .358
1997 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Tony Gwynn+ .340 Tony Gwynn+ .372
1998 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Tony Gwynn+ .339 Larry Walker+ .363
1999 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Tony Gwynn+ .339 Larry Walker+ .379
2000 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Tony Gwynn+ .338 Todd Helton+ .372
2001 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Tony Gwynn+ .338 Larry Walker+ .350
2002 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Todd Helton+ .333 Barry Bonds .370
2003 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Todd Helton+ .337 Albert Pujols .359
2004 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Todd Helton+ .339 Ichiro Suzuki+ .372
2005 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Todd Helton+ .337 Derrek Lee .335
2006 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Todd Helton+ .333 Joe Mauer+ .347
2007 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Ichiro Suzuki+ .333 Magglio Ordóñez .363
2008 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Albert Pujols .334 Chipper Jones+ .364
2009 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Albert Pujols .334 Joe Mauer+ .365
2010 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Albert Pujols .331 Josh Hamilton .359
2011 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Albert Pujols .328 Miguel Cabrera .344
2012 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Albert Pujols .325 Buster Posey .336
2013 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Joe Mauer+ .323 Miguel Cabrera .348
2014 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Miguel Cabrera .320 Jose Altuve .341
2015 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Miguel Cabrera .321 Miguel Cabrera .338
2016 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Miguel Cabrera .321 DJ LeMahieu .348
2017 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Miguel Cabrera .317 Jose Altuve .346
2018 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Miguel Cabrera .316 Mookie Betts .346
2019 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Miguel Cabrera .315 Tim Anderson .335
2020 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Miguel Cabrera .313 DJ LeMahieu .364
2021 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Miguel Cabrera .310 Trea Turner .328
2022 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Miguel Cabrera .308 Jeff McNeil .326
2023 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Jose Altuve .307 Luis Arráez .354
2024 Ty Cobb+ .366 Tetelo Vargas .471 Jose Altuve .306 Bobby Witt Jr. .332
2025 Ty Cobb+ .366 Wilyer Abreu, Tyler O'Neill, Jorge Polanco, Spencer Torkelson 1.000 Jose Altuve .306 Wilyer Abreu, Tyler O'Neill, Jorge Polanco, Spencer Torkelson 1.000