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Most QS By Young SP Last 3 Seasons

Posted by Steve Lombardi on December 8, 2010

How many teams, during the last three years, had 45+ "Quality Starts" in a season by pitchers age 26 or younger?

Here's the list:


No shock to see the Marlins, A's, Giants and Rays hit the list 3 times each, is it?

5 Responses to “Most QS By Young SP Last 3 Seasons”

  1. John Autin Says:

    At first I was shocked to see Cleveland rank 2nd for 2010. Then I discovered that they had 140 starts by pitchers 26 or under.

    Some may see this as cause for optimism. But of the 6 young SPs with 10+ starts, only Carmona had a "positive" ERA+, and that was just 102. The rest were at 88 or under.

  2. Tmckelv Says:


    That may have something to do with the definition of "Quality Start" as has been discussed on previous threads. If you tighten up the criteria a little, then I am sure the Indians drop down on the list.

  3. Most QS By Young SP Last 3 Seasons « Topicco – Find, Read, Share Says:

    [...] the original post: Most QS By Young SP Last 3 Seasons   Tags: game finders Posted in: [...]

  4. Kahuna Tuna Says:

    The only team to have no quality starts by a pitcher age 26 or younger over the past three seasons is the 2008 Astros. That team had only two starts by an under-27 pitcher:

    Roy Oswalt (age 30): 32 GS
    Brandon Backe (age 30): 31 GS
    Brian Moehler (age 36): 26 GS
    Wandy Rodriguez (age 29): 25 GS
    Shawn Chacon (age 30): 15 GS
    Randy Wolf (age 31): 12 GS
    Chris Sampson (age 30): 11 GS
    Jack Cassel (age 27): 3 GS
    Runelvys Hernandez (age 30): 4 GS
    Alberto Arias (age 24): 2 GS

  5. John Autin Says:

    Three appearances on this list by Oakland, with the numbers growing each year, looks like they'd be developing a fabulous rotation. One thing doesn't quite register, though -- the almost complete turnover in the cast from 2008 to 2010 (with # of QS in parens):

    -- 2008 (47): Dana Eveland 13, Greg Smith 13, Rich Harden 8, Sean Gallagher 3, Josh Outman 2, Chad Gaudin 4, Dallas Braden 4.
    -- 2010 (82): Gio Gonzalez 23, Trevor Cahill 21, Brett Anderson 13, Vin Mazzaro 12, Dallas Braden 12, Clayton Mortenson 1.