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Jeter, Bosox, Late Innings & Tie Scores…and Big Flies

Posted by Steve Lombardi on September 17, 2007

I was just looking at Derek Jeter's 2007 RBI, to date, when the score is tied, via's Play Index Batter Events for Jeter.  And, I noticed that three times this year Derek broke-up a tie score against the Sox, late in the game:

The 7th inning on June 2nd against Joel Pineiro
The 5th inning of August 28th against Daisuke Matsuzaka
The 8th inning of September 16th against Curt Schilling

Each time, it was a homer from Jeter that broke the tie.

This made me wonder: Since 1957, which Yankees SS have hit the most homers against the Red Sox? Thanks to's PI Gamelog Finder, here's the answer:

                   Games Link to Individual Games 


Derek Jeter          19 Ind. Games  

Tony Kubek           11 Ind. Games  

Tom Tresh             4 Ind. Games 

Gil McDougald         3 Ind. Games 

Bucky Dent            3 Ind. Games                  

Gene Michael          2 Ind. Games  

Jim Mason             2 Ind. Games                  

Randy Velarde         1 Ind. Games                  

Fred Stanley          1 Ind. Games                  

Roy Smalley           1 Ind. Games                  

Rafael Santana        1 Ind. Games                  

Jerry Kenney          1 Ind. Games                  

Alvaro Espinoza       1 Ind. Games                  

Jerry Coleman         1 Ind. Games                  

Games found: 51.

Pretty soon, Jeter's going to need a fancy middle name in Boston - like the one that Red Sox Nation gave to Bucky Dent.

3 Responses to “Jeter, Bosox, Late Innings & Tie Scores…and Big Flies”

  1. Andy Says:

    Jeter also broke up a tie against the BoSox this past Sunday, when he homered in the top of the first against Beckett. (I realize you were looking at late-game hits.)

  2. Tom Clancy Says:

    You mean like "Derek 'Really Effin Good' Jeter"? Honestly, I don't know if the homers bother me as much as the inside-outed singles and doubles into right field.

  3. Andy Says:

    I meant to say Saturday, not Sunday!