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Should Teams Use The Giambi Shift On Jeter?

Posted by Steve Lombardi on June 17, 2007

In the Yankees first 66 games this season, Derek Jeter has made 193 outs as a batter.   Using the Play Index Batting Event Finder for Jeter, we can see that an opponent's third baseman was involved in just 17 of those 193 outs

Clearly, for the Yankees Captain, when it comes to hitting the ball towards third, the answer is "I don't know."

This begs the question:  Should teams play their 3B off the line when Jeter is up?  But, the answer, of course, is "No" - because of Jeter's ability to bunt for hits.

For all those players who moan about getting the shift treatment, there's a lesson here...a little bunt now and again can take that shift away in a hurry.

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