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Yankees and Phillies have huge run-scoring differentials

Posted by Andy on September 5, 2011

The Yankees and Phillies are both outscoring their opponents by at least 1.3 runs per game in 2011. That translates to about 200 more runs scored than allowed over an entire season.

In the Steroids Era of 1993-2009, this was an easier feat since 1.3 runs was a smaller fraction of the overall elevated levels of run scoring. The last teams to have a differential of at least 1.3 over the course of a season were the 2007 Red Sox, 2001 Mariners, 1999 Diamondbacks, 1998 Yankees, 1998 Astros, 1998 Braves, 1997 Braves, 1995 Indians, and 1993 Braves. Even still, a lot of these teams were powerhouses.

Run-scoring in 2011 is 4.28 runs per game, which is the lowest since (you guessed it!) 1992, when it was 4.12 runs per game. So which teams before 1993 managed a 1.3 differential for an entire season? Going back, the last several were the 1986 Mets, 1976 Reds, 1976 Phillies, 1975 Reds, 1974 Dodgers, 1971 Orioles, 1970 Orioles, 1969 Orioles, and the 1961 Yankees. Those were all really good teams.

28 Responses to “Yankees and Phillies have huge run-scoring differentials”

  1. Charles Says:

    With the exception of the 2007 WS Champion Red Sox, all the teams got 100 wins even the 1995 Indians in a 144 game season. The Yankees are below the pace need to get to 100 (need 16 wins in the final 25 games). They are 4-11 vs the 2nd place Red Sox with 3 more games at Yankee Stadium where they are 0-7 vs Boston.

  2. Jason Says:

    Interesting that the Yankees join the Sox as the only teams to
    win the WS in the steroid era while achieving this feat. While
    from 61-86 five teams accomplished it.

    The 1986 Mets were the only team to do it in the 80's. That
    was a great team that underachieved long term.

    Also that the Braves lone WS win was in a year they didn't do it.

  3. Jason Says:

    I am having a sale on "that". 50% off.

  4. Yankees and Phillies have huge run-scoring differentials » Baseball … | Yankees News Source Says:

    [...] reading here: Yankees and Phillies have huge run-scoring differentials » Baseball … AKPC_IDS += "33011,"; AKPC_IDS += [...]

  5. Game Thread: Freddy’s got a job to do on Labor Day | New York Yankees blog, Yankees blog, A blog about the New York Yankees | The Yankee Analysts Says:

    [...] O’s and have outscored them 98-49 (+49 Run differential) which leads me to my fact of the day from BR’s blog. The Yanks and Phillies are both on track to have +200 run differentials this year. If you look back [...]

  6. Cyril Morong Says:

    Interesting to see the 1969-71 Orioles there. Those were great teams. How many teams accomplished this 3 straight years?

    The Orioles led the AL in runs 2 of those years and fewest runs allowed all 3. They were 2nd in runs in 1969, just 11 behind the Twins.

  7. Charles Says:

    Between 1961 and 1979, the Orioles had the most CG and fewest saves for a 100 game winner, 71 CG, 22 saves.

    The Reds had the fewest CG and most saves in 2 different years, 22 CG and 50 saves in 1975, and 32 CG and 60 saves in 1970, for a 28 difference both years.

    I didn't look beyond that range. I would guess the Reds record has been surpassed since then and the Orioles didn't break the record

  8. Richard Chester Says:


    I made a quick check. The 1936-1939 Yankees and the 1929-1932 Athletics did it 4 years in a row.

  9. Ebessan Says:

    "Run-scoring in 2011 is 4.28 runs per game, which is the lowest since (you guessed it!) 1992, when it was 4.12 runs per game."

    Shame that every single player started doing PEDs that winter.

  10. Cyril Morong Says:

    Richard, thanks. Those were great teams, so the Orioles are in good company

  11. Cyril Morong Says:

    When I click on the "outscoring their opponents by at least 1.3 runs per game" link, it shows the Phillies with a 1.2 per game differential

  12. Cyril Morong Says:

    The Yankees have a bigger OPS differential of .095 (.801 - .706) than Phillies, .069 (.725 - .656). But the Red Sox have them both beat with .104 (.808 - .704).

    It might be interesting to know all of the teams in history that had an OPS differential of .100 or higher.

  13. Andy Says:

    @11, I wrote the post before this morning's update, and the Phillies' loss last night must have been enough to push them down due to rounding.

  14. Andy Says:

    It stands to reason, of course, that either or both of the teams won't finish the season above 1.3 (although I think the Yankees would have to bomb significantly the rest of the way to fall below that number--but for example today they won by only 1 run.P

  15. Cyril Morong Says:

    Thanks Andy

  16. Mike L Says:

    I wouldn't be surprised if all three teams (Red Sox added) declined from their current rates. We are at 40 man rosters, all three teams are likely to be careful with their starters, and especially their stars. Just a hunch, but I wonder how similarly situated teams did in the past over their last twenty games or so.

  17. Wazzu_Hondo Says:

    Run Differential Trivia:

    In the history of baseball World Series only two teams have made it to the World Series and had outscored their opponents by LESS than 50 runs during the course of the year. Both of them won the world series. Can you name them?

  18. Cyril Morong Says:

    Do the 1987 Twins count? I think they were outscored by their opponents

  19. Cyril Morong Says:

    How about the 2006 Cardinals?

  20. Wazzu_Hondo Says:

    2006 Cardinals are one of them

  21. Johnny Twisto Says:

    Yikes. I always knew the '87 Twins were a "weak" champion and perhaps only won due to a big home-field advantage. I did not remember that they were actually outscored over the course of the season. Cyril is right. Scored 786, allowed 806.

    How many WS champs have been outscored during the postseason? I know the '60 Pirates were. Is that it? I guess it would be more unlikely with multiple series. (Those Twins did outscore their postseason opponents 72-49.)

  22. Johnny Twisto Says:

    The '06 Cards were *not* outscored, in case anyone is confused by the above posts, but only outscored their opponents by 19 runs. I've never thought of them as fluky a champion as they might seem, because that had been very strong team for several years, and I think they had a bunch of injuries in '06 which hurt their record. I think the team was stronger than their record implies. This is just from memory though.

  23. Doug Says:

    The '59 Dodgers are the other team.

    But, as Cyril pointed out @18, the '87 Twins should be a third team in this group - they were indeed outscored by their opponents.

  24. Nash Bruce Says:

    @9: Of course, there was also expansion in '93. (Not to mention that on top of that, one of those new teams played in the thin air of Denver.)
    It was a perfect storm.

  25. yelly Says:

    Do the 1987 Twins count? I

  26. nikefreeshoes Says:

    I think they had a bunch of injuries in '06 which hurt their record. I think the team was stronger than their record implies. This is just from memory though.

  27. Cyril Morong Says:

    The 1985 Royals scored 687 runs while allowing 639

  28. Wazzu_Hondo Says:

    I missed the '85 Royals, they were only up 48 in run differential. And the Twins should be in there as well. Still just 4 teams with 50 or fewer, rare company. Thanks for pointing out the other two teams everyone.