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The life and times of Dennys Reyes

Posted by Andy on April 8, 2011

A few days ago, Dennys Reyes made news by appearing in each of the Red Sox's first three games.

Today, he was just designated for assignment.

12 Responses to “The life and times of Dennys Reyes”

  1. Gonzo Says:

    Dennys Reyes is reason enough to teach your children to become a southpaw.

  2. Spartan Bill Says:

    I think this is the far and away the most impressive stat on his player page:

    Career to date (may be incomplete) $8,797,000

  3. kingcrab Says:

    reading the headline, i thought he died...may he rest in peace... pawtucket

  4. Andy Says:

    My apologies...I id not intend to mislead in that fashion!

  5. Doug Says:

    His years with the Twins were pretty impressive: 10-1, 204 ERA+ while averaging 68 appearances.

    Similar workload with the Cards, but walks were up and Ks were down leading to a 118+ ERA.

    So, a bit surprising Boston had such as short leash with him.

  6. Larry R. Says:


  7. John Meador Says:

    Red Sox will probably end up winning 85-90 games and go or contend for playoffs. So, this will just be a "footnote" in September. But what a way to s**t all over a decent pitcher who always gives it his all out there, and has almost always been able to put up decent numbers. As Larry said, guess someone at the top needed a scapegoat for an 0- 6 start!

  8. Neil L. Says:

    Now a 1-6 start! Will sanity ever prevail in Boston?

  9. Neil L. Says:

    King, had exactly the same reaction as you when I scrolled through the discussion headers. I thought it was an obit not a dismissal to the minors.

  10. DoubleDiamond Says:

    Dennys Reyes made his major league debut for the Dodgers as the starting pitcher on July 13, 1997, going six innings in a win against the Giants. On that same day, I finally got a new computer at work that I had been requesting for some time. Yes, there's a reason why these two events are intertwined in my mind.

    I felt that I was due for a new computer because I had gotten my previous one on September 24, 1992. I hadn't forgotten that date by 1997 because not getting a new computer in almost five years in the 1990s was starting to doom me to being behind the times. By now, I would have almost certainly forgotten those two dates of new computers at work but for something I read after Reyes' start on July 13.

    On the day I got my earlier computer, September 24, 1992, Bob Ojeda started for the Dodgers and also went six innings against the Reds, getting no decision in a game that L.A. eventually lost.

    Between that 9/24/92 start by Ojeda and that 7/13/97 start by Reyes, the Dodgers had a total of ZERO starts by lefthanded pitchers! Thus, I have always given Reyes credit for finally getting me that new computer.

    Incidentally, I have read that Ojeda is a natural righthander (and in fact, he bats righthanded, but so do a lot of lefthanded pitchers), but he became a lefthanded pitcher after injuring his right arm when he was young.

  11. Neil L. Says:

    Double, you have forgotten more about baseball than I remember. And I'm 58!

    You are a Dodgers fan, no?

  12. Jim Says:


    He may give it all on the mound, but his problem is that he eats it all off the mound. Reyes is fatter than the average customer at the Shoney's all-you-can-eat breakfast buffet. He's so fat he could play first base for a college women's softball team. It's embarrassing that a "professional athlete" could be in the shape Reyes is in.