College of Staten Island (Staten Island, NY) Baseball Players

Note: Statistics are for major league play. Appearance on this list means the player attended the school, not that they played on the school's baseball team.

All Pro Players in DB

All Pro Players in DB Table
Rk Name Born From To Drafted Primary Franchises
1Francesco Bonvini200020212024
2John Esposito200020232024
3Billy Hernandez1951197019721970-2-jansecCLE
4Nils Lambert1949196919721969-4-jansecDET
5Jose Quinones1948196819691968-11ANA
6Frank Sansonetti1978200120012000-25
7Walt Stolzenthaler1952197219731972-18PHI
8Tom Tierney196919911991ATL
9Francis Torres20142014
Collegiate Data (about) courtesy SABR's Collegiate Committee. They will welcome all corrections to their data.
Players are generally only included if they played on the college team.

Additional data on current and past college seasons can be found at Boyd's World.