Fielding stats are given overall and by position. In some cases, they will be identical.

1981 Fielding Game Log (overall)

1981 Fielding Game Log (overall)
Rk Gtm Date Tm Opp Rslt Inngs BF Inn PO A E Ch DP Pos
12 (1)Apr 10CAL@SEAL,2-10174.101010P
23Apr 11CAL@SEAW,7-4GF10.200000P
35 (1)Apr 13CALOAKL,2-351.000110P
410 (4)Apr 18CALMINL,4-6GF133.003030P
514 (3)Apr 24CAL@MINL,5-781.200000P
619 (4)Apr 28CAL@OAKW,3-1GF20.200000P
721 (1)Apr 30CALMILL,1-12GF92.000000P
May Tm Opp Rslt Inngs BF Inn PO A E Ch DP Pos
823 (1)May 2CALMILL,5-8122.100000P
925 (1)May 4CALNYYL,2-4122.200000P
1029 (3)May 8CALDETL,1-640.000000P
1139 (9)May 19CAL@CLEL,3-7GF225.001010P
1242 (2)May 22CALCHWL,5-930.200110P
1343May 23CALCHWL,4-15GF31.001010P
1444May 24CALCHWL,2-10GF153.100000P
1546 (1)May 26CALTORL,4-892.000000P
1648 (1)May 30CAL@CHWL,0-9GF71.210010P
Jun Tm Opp Rslt Inngs BF Inn PO A E Ch DP Pos
1754 (5)Jun 5CALBALL,4-681.200000P

1981 Fielding Game Log (as P)

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