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Team Record in Appearances: 21-46

Days of Rest

Inning/Score Appearance Matrix

Multiple inning appearances: 26,    Entered with runners on base: 21

1993 Pitching Game Log

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1993 Pitching Game Log
Rk Gcar Gtm Date Tm Opp Rslt Inngs Dec DR IP H R ER BB SO HR HBP ERA FIP BF Pit Str StL StS GB FB LD PU Unk GSc IR IS SB CS PO AB 2B 3B IBB GDP SF ROE aLI WPA acLI cWPA RE24 Entered Exited
12223Apr 9NYMHOUL,3-77-8992.010000000.002.997231430252000000070000001.490.1932.050.16%0.98 7t --- 0 out tie 8t 3 out tie
22235Apr 11NYMHOUL,4-57-711.021110013.004.99724123041010000005100000.22-0.020.25-0.01%-0.51 7t --- 0 out d4 7t 3 out d5
32246Apr 13NYM@COLW,8-48-811.010001002.253.9941061203100000004000000.610.036.610.02%0.58 8b --- 0 out a4 8b 3 out a4
42259Apr 16NYM@CINW,3-18-8H(1)20.100000002.083.911741010000100001000000.910.027.950.02%0.32 8b -2- 2 out a3 8b 3 out a3
522610Apr 17NYM@CINW,4-17-7H(2)01.000001001.693.3636511110000000030000001.420.1081.580.07%0.50 7b --- 0 out a1 7b 3 out a1
622714Apr 22NYMSFGL,4-137-842.020002001.232.72815144442100000008000000. 7t --- 0 out d4 8t 3 out d4
722816Apr 24NYMSDPL,3-58-GF12.032200102.894.17926187054100000008000000.55-0.070.64-0.05%-1.02 8t --- 0 out d1 9t end d 3
822918Apr 27NYMLADL,1-49-GF21.000001002.613.86317103320000000003000000. 9t --- 0 out d4 9t end d 4
923019Apr 28NYM@SFGL,3-48-9BL(0-1)01.132210003.864.027311631420102200050011003.13-0.5482.62-0.28%-1.72 8b 12- 0 out a2 9b -2- 1 out tie
May Tm Opp Rslt Inngs Dec DR IP H R ER BB SO HR HBP ERA FIP BF Pit Str StL StS GB FB LD PU Unk GSc IR IS SB CS PO AB 2B 3B IBB GDP SF ROE aLI WPA acLI cWPA RE24 Entered Exited
1023122May 1NYM@SDPL,3-57-721.031110104.265.206191032321000001050000001.15-0.158.64-0.05%-0.49 7b --- 0 out tie 7b 3 out d1
1123224May 4NYM@LADL,4-88-GF(8)21.000010003.955.2641563012010000003000000. 8b --- 0 out d4 8b end d 4
1223327May 8NYMFLAL,2-46-732.031100014.025.169251512263100000080001001.12-0.050.61-0.02%-0.02 6t --- 0 out d1 7t 3 out d2
1323430May 11NYM@STLL,4-77-721.020000003.785.03523300000005000000. 7b --- 0 out d3 7b 3 out d3
1423533May 14NYM@MONL,7-86-6L(0-2)20.132200004.764.994171020133000000042000001.35-0.243.56-0.06%-1.91 6b --- 0 out tie 6b -23 1 out d1
1523636May 17NYMPITL,4-98-921.011110005.005.04517104031100000004000000.710.027.160.00%0.11 8t --- 0 out d1 9t 1-- 0 out d1
1623737May 18NYMPITL,8-106-701.131110015.125.21834223442200210006010100.31- 6t 12- 2 out d4 7t 3 out d6
1723839May 21NYMATLL,2-49-GF21.010001004.875.0031592211010000103000000. 9t --- 0 out d3 9t end d 3
1823943May 25NYM@PHIL,2-48-GF(8)31.000021004.645.1052091120000000002001000.310.014.040.00%0.49 8b --- 0 out d2 8b end d 2
1924044May 26NYM@PHIW,5-49-GFS(1)01.000000004.435.0039630210000000030000002.610.197.280.01%0.49 9b --- 0 out a1 9b end a 1
2024145May 28NYMCINL,2-510-GF(10)10.200010004.305.0731371020000200002000000.320.013.030.00%0.9010t 12- 1 out d310t end d 3
2124247May 30NYMCINL,4-89-GF11.021100004.504.99516101114300000005000000.21- 9t --- 0 out d3 9t end d 4
2224348May 31NYM@CHCW,9-55-601.011002004.324.755231854211002000050000011.900.058.130.00%0.49 5b 12- 1 out a2 6b 12- 1 out a2
Jun Tm Opp Rslt Inngs Dec DR IP H R ER BB SO HR HBP ERA FIP BF Pit Str StL StS GB FB LD PU Unk GSc IR IS SB CS PO AB 2B 3B IBB GDP SF ROE aLI WPA acLI cWPA RE24 Entered Exited
2324450Jun 2NYM@CHCW,11-38-811.000011004.154.7231052210000000002000100. 8b --- 0 out a7 8b 3 out a7
2424551Jun 4NYM@HOUL,2-77-710.210010004.054.7941381021000000002000000.440.003.030.00%0.05 7b --- 0 out d2 7b 12- 2 out d2
2524653Jun 6NYM@HOUL,4-57-710.100001004.004.6914311000001000010000001. 7b -2- 2 out d1 7b 3 out d1
2624755Jun 8NYMCHCL,1-59-GF10.200010003.904.7631042011000210001000010.15- 9t 1-3 1 out d3 9t end d 4
2724857Jun 10NYMPHIL,6-77-710.011100004.234.7613100100002100010000002.19- 7t 1-3 1 out a3 7t 12- 1 out a2
2824960Jun 13NYMPHIL,3-58-GF22.032211204.555.55933206225200000008001000.31- 8t --- 0 out d1 9t end d 3
2925064Jun 17NYM@PITL,2-65-631.200000004.315.41517120241000200005000000. 5b -23 1 out d4 6b 3 out d4
3025166Jun 19NYM@PITL,3-87-GF(8)11.120012004.135.28724142722010210006201000.08- 7b 12- 2 out d4 8b end d 5
3125269Jun 22NYMMONL,3-69-GF21.000001004.015.16311100000003000000. 9t --- 0 out d3 9t end d 3
3225370Jun 23NYMMONL,3-48-801.000001023.895.2141691310000001002000000.530.028.000.00%0.49 8t --- 0 out d2 8t 3 out d2
3325474Jun 29NYM@FLAW,10-97-750.133300004.635.1941051022100000004000000.74- 7b --- 0 out a5 7b 12- 1 out a4
Jul Tm Opp Rslt Inngs Dec DR IP H R ER BB SO HR HBP ERA FIP BF Pit Str StL StS GB FB LD PU Unk GSc IR IS SB CS PO AB 2B 3B IBB GDP SF ROE aLI WPA acLI cWPA RE24 Entered Exited
3425579Jul 4NYMSFGL,8-109-GF41.010011004.505.1552181412000000004101000. 9t --- 0 out d3 9t end d 3
3525680Jul 5NYMSDPL,7-127-801.255530105.505.641238196154200110009301000.24- 7t -2- 1 out d2 8t 3 out d8
3625782Jul 7NYMSDPL,0-29-GF11.020000005.355.5751182023200000004100000.400.017.000.00%0.49 9t --- 0 out d2 9t end d 2
3725883Jul 8(1)NYMLADL,8-119-GF01.020001005.225.46411103121100000004000100. 9t --- 0 out d5 9t end d 5
3825984Jul 8(2)NYMLADW,6-39-GF(10)W(1-2)-11.110012005.055.357231203310102010050010014. 9t 12- 2 out tie10t end tie
3926087Jul 11NYMLADL,1-29-GF20.100001005.015.291531100000101001000000.800.018.000.00%0.23 9t 1-- 2 out d1 9t end d 1
4026190Jul 17NYM@SFGW,3-18-8H(3)51.010000004.895.23410803041100000041000001.300.085.000.00%0.48 8b --- 0 out a2 8b 3 out a2
4126291Jul 18NYM@SFGW,12-69-900.233311005.445.2261582113200000005100000. 9b --- 0 out a9 9b -2- 2 out a6
4226396Jul 23NYM@LADL,2-58-GF(8)41.011011005.325.19623103131000000005001001.30- 8b --- 0 out d2 8b end d 3
4326499Jul 27NYMFLAW,4-38-8H(4)30.200000005.245.1626510021000000020000001.860.093.000.00%0.39 8t --- 0 out a1 8t --- 2 out a1
44265103Jul 31NYM@STLL,3-47-730.100000005.205.141421001010200001000000.400.010.000.00%0.43 7b 12- 2 out d3 7b 3 out d3
Aug Tm Opp Rslt Inngs Dec DR IP H R ER BB SO HR HBP ERA FIP BF Pit Str StL StS GB FB LD PU Unk GSc IR IS SB CS PO AB 2B 3B IBB GDP SF ROE aLI WPA acLI cWPA RE24 Entered Exited
45266106Aug 3NYM@MONL,1-38-820.200011005.125.1341150220000001003001001.370.003.000.00%0.07 8b --- 0 out d2 8b 12- 2 out d2
46267108Aug 5NYM@MONW,12-96-7BS(2)11.231102005.134.978372074510102210081000002.04- 6b 1-3 0 out a3 7b -2- 2 out tie
47268110Aug 7(2)NYMPITW,10-86-7H(5)11.011120015.215.12724950221001000030010002.56- 6t -2- 1 out a1 7t 123 1 out a1
48269114Aug 12NYMATLL,4-89-GF41.000010005.115.1431483011010000002000100. 9t --- 0 out d4 9t end d 4
49270116Aug 14NYM@PHIW,9-58-GFS(2)11.210000004.945.07415102231100100004000200.690.072.000.00%1.01 8b 1-- 1 out a3 9b end a 4
50271120Aug 18NYM@CINW,12-29-GF31.000000004.855.033983112000000003000000. 9b --- 0 out a10 9b end a10
51272121Aug 21(1)NYM@COLL,3-47-GF(8)L(1-3)22.021101004.834.919322124531100010080000011.06- 7b --- 0 out tie 8b end d 1
52273123Aug 22NYM@COLL,3-48-GF(8)01.000000004.754.883650012020000003000000.470.038.000.00%0.58 8b --- 0 out d1 8b end d 1
53274125Aug 24NYMCINW,5-48-9H(6)11.002011004.664.865171031211000000040000011.82- 8t --- 0 out a1 9t 12- 0 out a2
54275126Aug 25NYMCINL,1-47-801.200000004.534.81516101123100100005000001. 7t 1-- 1 out d4 8t 3 out d4
55276128Aug 27NYMCOLW,3-29-GFS(3)10.100000004.504.8017401100002000010000005.450.140.000.00%0.43 9t 12- 2 out a1 9t end a 1
56277132Aug 31NYMHOUL,2-109-GF31.010001004.424.73419132103110000004000000. 9t --- 0 out d8 9t end d 8
Sep/Oct Tm Opp Rslt Inngs Dec DR IP H R ER BB SO HR HBP ERA FIP BF Pit Str StL StS GB FB LD PU Unk GSc IR IS SB CS PO AB 2B 3B IBB GDP SF ROE aLI WPA acLI cWPA RE24 Entered Exited
57278135Sep 3NYM@CHCL,3-47-GF(8)22.021111004.434.69938195525210001008101000.14- 7b --- 0 out d3 8b end d 4
58279138Sep 6NYM@HOUL,2-77-721.010000004.354.6731292112100000103000000. 7b --- 0 out d3 7b 3 out d3
59280141Sep 10NYMCHCL,10-126-732.000021004.224.688281634500000000060000001.740.149.000.00%0.98 6t --- 0 out d1 7t 3 out a1
60281146Sep 15NYMPHIL,3-68-GF41.120011004.134.66729173232000100006000000. 8t 1-- 2 out d3 9t end d 3
61282148Sep 18NYM@ATLW,3-29-9W(2-3)21.000010004.074.68413620300000000030000001.940.138.000.00%0.50 9b --- 0 out tie 9b 3 out tie
62283149Sep 19NYM@ATLL,2-116-601.044420004.544.74939228043200001007000000.09- 6b --- 0 out d5 6b 3 out d9
63284150Sep 20NYM@PITL,2-68-GF(8)00.100000004.524.731521010000200001000000. 8b 1-3 2 out d6 8b end d 6
64285152Sep 22NYM@PITW,6-56-712.021120004.524.779351852700000010070010002.40- 6b --- 0 out tie 7b 3 out tie
65286154Sep 25NYMMONL,1-48-GF22.020010004.404.76825164343100000006100100. 8t --- 0 out d3 9t end d 3
66287158Sep 29NYMSTLW,1-011-1333.010022004.224.72123923626200000000101000002.760.407.000.00%1.4811t --- 0 out tie13t 3 out tie
67288161Oct 2NYM@FLAW,7-18-GF22.020002004.114.62826216551100000008000000. 8b --- 0 out a5 9b end a 6

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