Many detailed statistics are based on play-by-play accounts accumulated by Retrosheet. These totals may be incomplete (3.6% of all plays from 1912 to 1968 are missing or have incomplete accounts, click link for year and team summary of data completeness) for some players prior to 1969 and even complete seasons may not match the official totals due to errors in both the official totals and the play-by-play accounts.

Summary of 38 Home Runs

0 leading off, 0 walk-off, 3 tying, 11 go ahead

3 Tms
CHW 30
vs RHP 37
vs LHP 1
Away 23
Home 15
2 14
0 12
1 12
7 Opps
8 Parks
ComiskeyPk 1 (CHI) 14
Busch Stad 1 (STL) 7
Yankee Stad (NYC) 5
Tiger Stad (DET) 4
ConnieMackSt (PHI) 4
Where Hit
9 24
8 2
89 1
General field locations
when available.
Game Totals
1·HR gms 36
2·HR gms 1
Gms w/ this # = 0
are not shown.
--- 21
1-- 7
123 3
12- 3
-2- 3
1 1
2 6
3 3
4 5
5 3
+4.. 7
+3 3
+2 2
+1 3
Tied 8
Before event,
for batter
RF 33
LF 3
PH 2
4th 21
3rd 8
5th 5
6th 2
1st 1
High Lev 6
Medium Lev 11
Low Lev 17

Play By Play

Play By Play
1938 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
11111938-05-26WSH@SLBBobo Newsomtied 4-4t 621234370.35988%Home Run (CF-RF); M. Almada Scores/unER; G. Goslin Scores/unER; B. Lewis Scores/unER; T. Wright Scores/unER
22211938-09-07WSHPHAGeorge Casterbehind 1-4b 31---119
1939 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
33111939-06-04 (1)WSH@SLBJack Kramertied 0-0t 20---1490.09459%Home Run (Deep RF)
44211939-07-04 (2)WSH@NYYSteve Sundrabehind 0-1t 20---1490.09650%Home Run (Deep CF)
55311939-07-14WSH@SLBJohn Whiteheadbehind 8-9t 9212-34PH0.74289%Home Run (Deep RF); J. Early Scores; J. Welaj Scores
66411939-09-07WSH@PHALes McCrabbahead 7-1t 421--2470.03897%Home Run; S. West Scores
1940 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
77111940-05-23CHWPHAEd Heusserahead 11-4b 82-2-2490.001100%Home Run (Deep RF); J. Kuhel Scores/unER; T. Wright Scores/unER
88211940-06-04CHW@NYYRed Ruffingahead 6-0t 72---1490.01099%Home Run (Deep RF)
99311940-07-03CHW@DETLynn Nelsonahead 6-3t 9112346PH0.024100%Home Run (Deep RF); J. Kuhel Scores; M. Solters Scores; L. Rosenthal Scores
1010411940-08-04 (1)CHWWSHDutch Leonardbehind 1-2b 81---1490.30457%Home Run (Deep RF)
1111511940-09-22CHW@SLBEmil Bildilliahead 6-0t 711-33690.012100%Home Run (Deep RF); M. Solters Scores; L. Appling Scores
1941 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
1212111941-05-15CHW@NYYTiny Bonhamahead 4-1t 51---1490.06589%Home Run (Deep RF)
1313211941-05-27CHWSLBBob Muncrieftied 0-0b 20---1490.10366%Home Run
1414311941-06-15 (2)CHW@BOSDick Newsomeahead 1-0t 21---179
1515411941-07-30CHW@PHALum Harrisbehind 0-3t 71---1490.06815%Home Run (Deep RF)
1616511941-08-08CHW@SLBBob Harrisahead 1-0t 3212-3490.23283%Home Run; J. Kuhel Scores; B. Chapman Scores
1717621941-08-08CHW@SLBGeorge Casterahead 11-0t 521--2490.000100%Home Run; J. Kuhel Scores
1818711941-08-09CHW@CLEBob Fellertied 5-5t 101---1490.37982%Home Run (Deep CF)
1919811941-08-31 (1)CHW@SLBBob Muncriefbehind 0-3t 20---149
2020911941-09-13CHW@PHADick Fowlerbehind 0-3t 20---1590.08030%Home Run (Deep RF)
21211011941-09-28CHW@DETBobo Newsomahead 1-0t 801--2590.15492%Home Run; L. Appling Scores
1946 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
2222111946-04-28 (1)CHWSLBDenny Galehouseahead 3-1b 60---1390.06392%Home Run
2323211946-05-20CHWWSHDutch Leonardbehind 0-8b 80---1390.0020%Home Run (Deep RF)
2424311946-06-28CHWCLESteve Gromekbehind 0-1b 111--2390.19964%Home Run; L. Appling Scores
2525411946-07-02CHW@DETTommy Bridgesahead 5-2t 421--247
2626511946-07-16CHW@PHADick Fowlertied 1-1t 40---1490.13564%Home Run (Deep RF)
2727611946-08-03CHWWSHRay Scarboroughtied 0-0b 40---1490.14070%Home Run (Deep RF)
2828711946-08-20CHW@NYYRandy Gumpertahead 7-2t 711--2490.01999%Home Run (Deep RF); H. Trosky Scores
1947 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
2929111947-07-15CHWBOSTex Hughsonbehind 0-1b 52---1390.17551%Home Run (Deep RF)
3030211947-07-20 (1)CHWPHAPhil Marchildontied 3-3b 621--2390.30784%Home Run (Deep RF); F. Baker Scores
3131311947-08-17 (1)CHWDETFred Hutchinsontied 0-0b 81---1390.31087%Home Run
3232411947-08-19CHWPHAJesse Floresahead 2-0b 60-2-2390.06696%Home Run (Deep RF); R. Hodgin Scores
1948 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
3333111948-05-10CHW@NYYRed Embreebehind 0-4t 62-2-2490.10117%Home Run (Deep RF); T. Lupien Scores
3434211948-05-20CHWNYYVic Raschibehind 1-9b 81---1590.0010%Home Run (Deep RF)
3535311948-05-22CHWNYYRed Embreebehind 1-5b 60---1590.06516%Home Run
3636411948-09-15CHWBOSEarl Caldwellahead 11-4b 721234590.003100%Home Run (Deep RF); T. Lupien Scores; L. Appling Scores; P. Seerey Scores
1949 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
3737111949-04-27PHA@BOSEllis Kinderbehind 1-3t 3212-3490.27356%Home Run (Deep RF Line); E. Valo Scores; F. Fain Scores
3838211949-05-07PHA@DETFred Hutchinsonbehind 0-2t 42---1490.10133%Home Run

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