Summary of 17 Home Runs

0 leading off, 1 walk-off, 1 tying, 2 go ahead

1 Tm
MIN 17
vs RHP 15
vs LHP 2
Home 10
Away 7
0 8
2 5
1 4
12 Opps
7 Parks
Target Field (MIN) 10
Progressive (CLE) 2
Comerica Pk (DET) 1
KauffmanStad (KAN) 1
CitizensBank (PHI) 1
Where Hit
9 7
89 6
8 2
78 1
7 1
General field locations
when available.
2 6
1 4
3 4
5 2
7+ 1
Pitches in PA
when available.
Game Totals
1·HR gms 15
2·HR gms 1
Gms w/ this # = 0
are not shown.
--- 9
1-- 3
12- 2
123 2
-2- 1
1 2
3 3
4 2
5 1
6 3
+4.. 3
+2 3
+1 3
Tied 1
-1 2
Before event,
for batter
1-0 4
0-0 4
1-1 2
0-1 2
2-0 2
Pitch data mostly complete since 1988.
RF 9
LF 7
DH 1
6th 4
5th 4
7th 4
4th 2
8th 2
High Lev 3
Medium Lev 6
Low Lev 8

Play By Play

Play By Play
2022 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB Pit(cnt) RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
11112022-09-17 (1)MIN@CLEShane Bieberbehind 0-5t 81---1,(0-0) X1790.0112%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep CF-RF)
22212022-09-27MINCHWLance Lynnahead 2-0b 601--3,(2-0) BBX2890.08496%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF Line); G. Sánchez Scores
2023 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB Pit(cnt) RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
33112023-05-27MINTORChris Bassittahead 6-4b 50---2,(1-0) BX1690.07288%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep LF-CF)
44212023-07-25MINSEAGeorge Kirbyahead 2-0b 111--1,(0-0) X25DH0.12085%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF); M. Kepler Scores
55312023-07-26MINSEABryce Millerbehind 2-4b 40---3,(2-0) BBX1490.11743%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF)
66422023-07-26MINSEABryce Millerbehind 3-8b 61---2,(1-0) BX1490.0348%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep LF)
77512023-07-30MIN@KCRRyan Yarbroughbehind 0-1t 31---3,(1-1) BCX1990.11347%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF Line)
88612023-08-02MIN@STLDakota Hudsonbehind 0-7t 7212-2,(1-0) BX3670.0274%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep CF); M. Kepler Scores; K. Farmer Scores
99712023-08-06MINARIPaul Sewaldtied 3-3b 901--2,(0-1) CX2570.286100%Walk-OffHome Run (Fly Ball to Deep CF-RF); J. Polanco Scores
1010812023-08-12MIN@PHITaijuan Walkerahead 1-0t 40---3,(1-1) BFX1670.10673%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF Line)
1111912023-08-15MINDETWill Vestbehind 1-2b 601237,(2-2) FSBB.FFX4570.24191%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep CF-RF); M. Kepler Scores; R. Lewis Scores; C. Correa Scores
12121012023-08-28MINCLEDaniel Norrisahead 6-5b 32---5,(3-1) .BSBBX1770.10474%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep CF-RF)
13131112023-09-04MIN@CLEDavid Fryahead 18-3t 92-2-1,(0-0) X2790.000100%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF Line); D. Solano Scores
14141212023-09-13MINTBRTaj Bradleybehind 0-4b 30---1,(0-0) X1870.07224%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep CF)
15151312023-09-26MINOAKPaul Blackburnahead 1-0b 121235,(3-1) BS*B*BX4770.23089%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep CF-RF); M. Kepler Scores; A. Kirilloff Scores; K. Farmer Scores
16161412023-09-30MIN@COLTommy Doyleahead 11-0t 70---2,(0-1) ..CX1690.000100%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep CF-RF)
2024 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB Pit(cnt) RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
1717112024-04-13 (1)MIN@DETZach McKinstryahead 8-4t 12212-2,(1-0) BX3590.04199%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF Line); R. Jeffers Scores/unER; M. Margot Scores/Team unER; M. Wallner Scores/Team unER

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