Summary of 44 Home Runs Allowed

0 leading off, 3 walk-off, 0 tying, 7 go ahead

3 Tms
HOU 26
CIN 12
vs LHB 22
vs RHB 22
Away 25
Home 19
1 17
0 15
2 12
19 Opps
16 Parks
MinuteMaidPk (HOU) 12
GreatAmer BP (CIN) 5
Busch Stad (STL) 5
Coors Fld (DEN) 3
Petco Pk (SAN) 3
Where Hit
7 17
9 14
89 5
78 5
8 3
General field locations
when available.
2 11
3 11
4 9
6 5
1 4
Pitches in PA
when available.
Game Totals
1·HR gms 32
2·HR gms 6
Gms w/ this # = 0
are not shown.
--- 22
1-- 10
12- 4
-2- 3
123 2
2 1
4 2
5 5
6 9
7 8
+4.. 15
+3 4
+2 3
+1 1
Tied 7
Before event,
for batter
1-1 7
0-1 6
2-1 5
1-0 5
0-0 4
Pitch data mostly complete since 1988.
CF 7
2B 6
1B 6
RF 6
3B 5
7th 9
6th 7
3rd 6
2nd 5
4th 5
High Lev 5
Medium Lev 7
Low Lev 32

Play By Play

Play By Play
2001 #car #yr #gm Date Batter @Bat   Score Inn Out RoB Pit(cnt) R BOP Pos bWPA bWE Notes Play Description
11112001-10-04Marvin BenardSFG@HOUahead 6-1t 611--2,(0-1) LX2183%98%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF); R. Ortiz Scores
2002 #car #yr #gm Date Batter @Bat   Score Inn Out RoB Pit(cnt) R BOP Pos bWPA bWE Notes Play Description
22112002-04-09José OrtizCOLHOUahead 8-5b 72--31,(0-0) X2745%98%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep LF); T. Helton Scores
33212002-05-03Jeromy BurnitzNYM@HOUahead 6-2t 91---7,(3-2) BBBFFFX1591%99%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF)
44322002-05-03Jay PaytonNYM@HOUahead 7-2t 911--2,(0-1) CX2781%100%Home Run (Fly Ball to LF-CF); J. Valentin Scores
55412002-05-22J.D. DrewSTLHOUtied 2-2b 90---6,(3-2) SBBBCX17937%100%Walk-OffHome Run (Fly Ball to LF-CF)
66512002-07-23Robert MachadoMIL@HOUbehind 2-7t 801--6,(2-2) CBFBFX2824%7%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep LF); M. Loretta Scores
77612002-08-04José MaciasMONHOUbehind 1-5b 7212-1,(0-0) X39PH21%28%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF); T. O'Leary Scores; M. Barrett Scores
88712002-08-12Sammy SosaCHCHOUbehind 4-9b 721--3,(1-1) BFX2395%8%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep LF); B. Mueller Scores
99812002-08-18Sean CaseyCINHOUtied 1-1b 101---4,(0-2) FSFX15342%100%Walk-OffHome Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF)
1010912002-08-19Ken Griffey Jr.CINHOUbehind 1-7b 901-34,(1-2) FSBX37PH2%4%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep LF); S. Casey Scores/unER; B. Larkin Scores
2003 #car #yr #gm Date Batter @Bat   Score Inn Out RoB Pit(cnt) R BOP Pos bWPA bWE Notes Play Description
1111112003-05-17Plácido PolancoPHI@HOUahead 5-3t 71---6,(3-2) BBBCCX1249%88%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep LF)
1212212003-06-01Eric KarrosCHCHOUbehind 1-5b 71-2-2,(0-1) CX26310%18%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep LF); S. Sosa Scores
1313312003-06-06Marlon AndersonTBD@HOUbehind 3-7t 50---2,(1-0) BX1246%17%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF)
1414422003-06-06Jared SandbergTBD@HOUbehind 4-7t 601--1,(0-0) X27516%34%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep LF); T. Lee Scores
1515512003-06-13Johnny DamonBOSHOUtied 3-3b 60---2,(1-0) BX11815%73%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF)
1616612003-06-21Hank BlalockTEXHOUbehind 2-9b 80---3,(2-0) .BBX1251%1%Home Run (Fly Ball to CF-RF)
1717722003-06-21Rafael PalmeiroTEXHOUbehind 3-9b 80-2-4,(2-1) >B.CBX24DH3%6%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF); A. Rodriguez Scores
1818812003-06-24Matt KataARIHOUahead 9-5b 8212-4,(2-1) BCBX3241%100%Home Run (Fly Ball to CF-RF); M. Grace Scores; T. Womack Scores
1919912003-07-29Gary SheffieldATLHOUtied 2-2b 511--4,(2-1) BC1BX23923%80%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep LF); M. Giles Scores
20201012003-08-20Randall SimonCHC@HOUahead 3-0t 6112-2,(0-1) CX3639%97%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF); S. Sosa Scores; A. Ramírez Scores
21211112003-09-23Edgardo AlfonzoSFG@HOUahead 6-0t 221232,(1-0) .BX4756%98%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep LF); R. Aurilia Scores/unER; B. Bonds Scores/unER; B. Santiago Scores/unER; E. Alfonzo Scores/Team unER
2004 #car #yr #gm Date Batter @Bat   Score Inn Out RoB Pit(cnt) R BOP Pos bWPA bWE Notes Play Description
2222112004-04-21Jim EdmondsSTL@HOUahead 8-1t 611236,(2-2) CBFF*BX4481%100%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep LF); M. Morris Scores; M. Anderson Scores; A. Pujols Scores
2323212004-05-08Andruw JonesATLHOUtied 4-4b 102---4,(2-1) FBBX15846%100%Walk-OffHome Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF)
2424312004-05-12Jeff ConineFLA@HOUahead 4-2t 80---4,(1-2) .BCSX1677%93%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep LF)
2525412004-06-05Tony WomackSTLHOUahead 9-4b 70---4,(1-2) ..SBFX1141%99%Home Run (Line Drive to CF-RF)
2626512004-06-11Geoff JenkinsMILHOUahead 8-3b 80---6,(3-2) .SCBBBX1370%100%Home Run (Line Drive to LF-CF)
2727612004-07-04Ken HarveyKCR@SDPbehind 0-7t 91---3,(0-2) CFX1330%0%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep CF)
2828712004-07-20Jeromy BurnitzCOLSDPbehind 5-9b 711--3,(1-1) CBX27711%20%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF); P. Wilson Scores
2929812004-08-01Robin VenturaLAD@SDPtied 1-1t 122---2,(1-0) .BX19PH42%82%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF)
3030912004-08-23David WrightNYMSDPbehind 3-8b 80---3,(1-1) .BCX1652%4%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep CF)
31311012004-08-31Albert PujolsSTLSDPahead 7-3b 811--3,(1-1) BCX2331%100%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep LF); L. Walker Scores
32321112004-09-08Marlon AndersonSTL@SDPbehind 2-10t 80---5,(2-2) ...BCBCX18PH0%0%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF)
2005 #car #yr #gm Date Batter @Bat   Score Inn Out RoB Pit(cnt) R BOP Pos bWPA bWE Notes Play Description
3333112005-05-25José GuillénWSN@CINbehind 2-7t 82---3,(0-2) CSX1491%2%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep LF)
3434212005-05-31Adam EverettHOUCINahead 3-2b 62---4,(2-1) CBBX17612%82%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep LF)
3535312005-06-03Preston WilsonCOLCINahead 10-2b 711--3,(2-0) BBX2480%100%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep LF); M. Holliday Scores
3636412005-06-25Ben BroussardCLECINahead 9-3b 40---3,(1-1) CBX1531%98%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF)
3737522005-06-25Travis HafnerCLECINahead 10-3b 51---2,(0-1) CX13DH1%99%Home Run (Fly Ball to CF-RF)
3838612005-06-29Reggie SandersSTLCINahead 6-2b 51---1,(0-0) X1473%96%Home Run (Fly Ball to LF-CF)
3939722005-06-29Jim EdmondsSTLCINahead 7-2b 6112-2,(1-0) BX3282%100%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF); M. Morris Scores; D. Eckstein Scores
4040812005-07-01Adam EverettHOU@CINahead 7-4t 50-2-3,(1-1) BCX2667%94%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep LF); J. Lane Scores
2007 #car #yr #gm Date Batter @Bat   Score Inn Out RoB Pit(cnt) R BOP Pos bWPA bWE Notes Play Description
4141112007-07-01Ryan LudwickSTL@CINtied 5-5t 42-235,(3-1) .BCBBX36927%78%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep CF-RF); C. Duncan Scores; S. Rolen Scores
4242212007-07-04Ray DurhamSFG@CINahead 5-3t 62---5,(2-2) BCSBX15410%83%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep CF)
4343322007-07-04Rich AuriliaSFG@CINahead 6-3t 62---2,(0-1) FX1656%90%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep LF-CF)
4444412007-07-20Miguel OlivoFLACINahead 7-2b 811--3,(1-1) BFX2720%100%Home Run (Line Drive to Deep LF Line); J. Willingham Scores

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