Many detailed statistics are based on play-by-play accounts accumulated by Retrosheet. These totals may be incomplete (3.6% of all plays from 1912 to 1968 are missing or have incomplete accounts, click link for year and team summary of data completeness) for some players prior to 1969 and even complete seasons may not match the official totals due to errors in both the official totals and the play-by-play accounts.

Summary of 69 Home Runs Allowed

0 leading off, 1 walk-off, 10 tying, 13 go ahead

5 Tms
HOU 36
CIN 15
MLN 15
vs RHB 39
vs LHB 30
Away 43
Home 26
0 28
2 26
1 15
12 Opps
CHC 13
CIN 10
15 Parks
County Stad (MIL) 13
Crosley Fld (CIN) 12
Wrigley Fld (CHI) 11
Colt Stad (HOU) 9
Astrodome (HOU) 4
Where Hit
9 21
7 21
8 4
78 2
General field locations
when available.
Game Totals
1·HR gms 42
2·HR gms 10
4·HR gms 1
3·HR gms 1
Gms w/ this # = 0
are not shown.
--- 40
1-- 13
12- 7
123 4
-2- 3
1 3
2 6
3 5
4 12
5 9
+4.. 7
+3 10
+2 4
+1 3
Tied 12
Before event,
for batter
CF 18
LF 14
3B 10
1B 8
C 7
3rd 15
4th 12
5th 10
8th 9
2nd 8
High Lev 12
Medium Lev 24
Low Lev 33

Play By Play

Play By Play
1961 #car #yr #gm Date Batter @Bat   Score Inn Out RoB R BOP Pos bWPA bWE Notes Play Description
11111961-04-15Al HeistCHCMLNtied 5-5b 9212347834%100%Walk-OffHome Run (Deep LF); D. Zimmer Scores; R. Santo Scores; E. Banks Scores
22211961-05-02Frank HowardLAD@MLNbehind 1-2t 20---16911%50%Home Run (Line Drive to Deep LF)
33321961-05-02John RoseboroLAD@MLNtied 2-2t 30---12212%62%Home Run (Line Drive to Deep RF)
44411961-05-16Willie DavisLADMLNbehind 0-5b 601--2289%17%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep CF); M. Wills Scores
55511961-05-20Gordy ColemanCINMLNbehind 1-5b 42---1536%17%Home Run (Deep RF)
66611961-05-24Jim WoodsPHI@MLNtied 0-0t 30---18512%62%Home Run (Deep RF)
77721961-05-24Charley SmithPHI@MLNahead 1-0t 401-336613%89%Home Run (Deep LF); P. Herrera Scores; T. González Scores
88811961-07-26Gus BellCIN@MLNbehind 0-2t 80---19PH12%24%Home Run (Deep RF)
99921961-07-26Frank RobinsonCIN@MLNbehind 1-2t 821--24954%72%Home Run (Deep LF Line); V. Pinson Scores
10101011961-08-09Don DrysdaleLADMLNtied 1-1b 2012349116%87%Home Run (Fly Ball to LF-CF); J. Roseboro Scores; G. Hodges Scores; C. Neal Scores
11111111961-08-27 (1)Charley SmithPHIMLNbehind 4-9b 7112346521%31%Home Run (Deep LF-CF); J. Callison Scores; D. Demeter Scores; W. Covington Scores
1962 #car #yr #gm Date Batter @Bat   Score Inn Out RoB R BOP Pos bWPA bWE Notes Play Description
1212111962-05-29Billy WilliamsCHCMLNbehind 4-10b 51---1373%6%Home Run
1313221962-05-29Ernie BanksCHCMLNbehind 5-10b 51---1434%10%Home Run
1414311962-07-13Gene OliverSTL@MLNahead 5-0t 90---1720%100%Home Run (Deep LF)
1515411962-07-22 (1)Wes CovingtonPHIMLNbehind 9-11b 82---15710%19%Home Run (Deep RF)
1963 #car #yr #gm Date Batter @Bat   Score Inn Out RoB R BOP Pos bWPA bWE Notes Play Description
1616111963-04-25Joe TorreMLN@HOUtied 0-0t 42---15216%61%Home Run
1717211963-05-07Gordy ColemanCINHOUbehind 0-1b 50---15317%56%Home Run
1818311963-06-12Dick TracewskiLADHOUahead 4-1b 42---1865%93%Home Run (Deep LF)
1919411963-07-06 (1)Del CrandallMLN@HOUahead 5-1t 92-2-2821%100%Home Run; D. Menke Scores
2020511963-08-05Willie McCoveySFG@HOUbehind 2-4t 80---13711%22%Home Run (Deep RF)
2121611963-08-15Ken BoyerSTLHOUbehind 0-4b 51---1556%15%Home Run
2222711963-08-27Henry AaronMLN@HOUbehind 0-2t 401--23922%50%Home Run; F. Bolling Scores
2323811963-09-05Tom HallerSFGHOUtied 0-0b 52---16218%69%Home Run (Deep RF)
2424921963-09-05Willie McCoveySFGHOUbehind 1-5b 100---1472%3%Home Run (Deep RF)
25251011963-09-17Bob SkinnerCINHOUtied 3-3b 81---16731%87%Home Run
1964 #car #yr #gm Date Batter @Bat   Score Inn Out RoB R BOP Pos bWPA bWE Notes Play Description
2626111964-04-19Julián JavierSTL@HOUahead 4-1t 701--2845%98%Home Run (Deep LF); T. McCarver Scores
2727211964-05-02Billy CowanCHC@HOUahead 6-0t 9212-3880%100%Home Run (Deep CF); A. Rodgers Scores; D. Bertell Scores
2828311964-05-10 (1)Billy CowanCHCHOUtied 0-0b 221--28821%73%Home Run (Deep LF); D. Bertell Scores
2929421964-05-10 (1)Ernie BanksCHCHOUahead 2-0b 40---1537%87%Home Run (Deep LF)
3030531964-05-10 (1)Billy WilliamsCHCHOUahead 3-0b 60---1374%96%Home Run (Deep RF)
3131611964-05-20Jerry LynchPIT@HOUtied 0-0t 111--23719%69%Home Run; D. Schofield Scores
3232711964-05-30Wes CovingtonPHIHOUahead 4-1b 81---1471%99%Home Run (Deep RF)
3333811964-06-05Willie StargellPITHOUbehind 0-1b 41---14315%53%Home Run
3434911964-06-28 (2)Ron SantoCHCHOUbehind 0-1b 92---14549%53%Home Run
35351011964-08-08Ken BoyerSTLHOUbehind 1-4b 80-2-24515%30%Home Run (Deep LF); B. White Scores
36361111964-08-15Vada PinsonCIN@HOUbehind 0-2t 40---12812%36%Home Run (Deep RF)
37371221964-08-15Vada PinsonCIN@HOUbehind 2-5t 821--22811%14%Home Run (Deep RF); M. Keough Scores
1965 #car #yr #gm Date Batter @Bat   Score Inn Out RoB R BOP Pos bWPA bWE Notes Play Description
3838111965-05-08Ernie BanksCHCHOUbehind 0-3b 20---1539%32%Home Run (Deep LF)
3939221965-05-08Billy WilliamsCHCHOUbehind 3-8b 521--2388%13%Home Run (Deep RF); G. Altman Scores
4040311965-05-25Vada PinsonCIN@HOUbehind 0-3t 521-333831%45%Home Run (Deep RF); L. Cárdenas Scores/unER; A. Shamsky Scores/unER; V. Pinson Scores/unER
4141411965-05-29Curt FloodSTL@HOUtied 0-0t 111--23819%70%Home Run; B. White Scores
4242511965-06-03Deron JohnsonCINHOUbehind 1-8b 91---1650%0%Home Run
4343611965-07-08Henry AaronMLNHOUbehind 0-3b 12---1398%30%Home Run
4444721965-07-08Rico CartyMLNHOUbehind 1-3b 30---18712%42%Home Run
4545831965-07-08Felipe AlouMLNHOUbehind 2-3b 31---11813%53%Home Run
4646941965-07-08Felipe AlouMLNHOUbehind 3-5b 52---11813%34%Home Run
47471011965-07-19John RoseboroLADHOUbehind 0-1b 20---15213%55%Home Run
48481111965-08-08 (1)Eddie MathewsMLNHOUahead 3-0b 521--2457%96%Home Run; F. Alou Scores
49491221965-08-08 (1)Eddie MathewsMLNHOUahead 5-1b 7212-3452%100%Home Run; F. Alou Scores; H. Aaron Scores
50501311965-09-08Willie MaysSFGHOUahead 2-0b 2212-33817%92%Home Run (Deep LF); B. Bolin Scores; J. Alou Scores
51511411965-09-13Willie MaysSFG@HOUbehind 0-1t 40---13814%50%Home Run (Deep CF)
1966 #car #yr #gm Date Batter @Bat   Score Inn Out RoB R BOP Pos bWPA bWE Notes Play Description
5252111966-07-02 (2)Félix MantillaHOUCINtied 3-3b 8112-35531%98%Home Run (Deep LF); J. Wynn Scores; R. Staub Scores
5353211966-07-07Tom HallerSFGCINahead 6-5b 70---12210%89%Home Run (Deep RF)
5454311966-07-17Henry AaronATLCINahead 5-4b 701--23912%95%Home Run (Deep LF); E. Mathews Scores
5555411966-07-28Ernie BanksCHC@CINbehind 3-7t 921--2531%1%Home Run (Deep LF); B. Williams Scores
5656511966-08-07Roberto ClementePITCINbehind 4-9b 7212-33911%14%Home Run; G. Alley Scores; M. Mota Scores
5757611966-08-12Jerry LynchPIT@CINbehind 7-8t 91---18PH35%44%Home Run (Deep RF)
5858721966-08-12Willie StargellPIT@CINtied 8-8t 101---14738%82%Home Run (Deep RF)
5959811966-08-27 (2)John BriggsPHI@CINbehind 5-7t 90---1189%16%Home Run (Deep RF)
6060911966-09-14Lou BrockSTLCINahead 4-0b 42---1174%95%Home Run (Deep RF)
61611021966-09-14Curt FloodSTLCINahead 5-0b 42---1282%97%Home Run (Deep LF)
62621111966-09-21Adolfo PhillipsCHCCINahead 6-3b 8012-3881%100%Home Run (Deep LF); G. Altman Scores; R. Hundley Scores
1967 #car #yr #gm Date Batter @Bat   Score Inn Out RoB R BOP Pos bWPA bWE Notes Play Description
6363111967-06-30Ron SantoCHCCINahead 6-3b 72---1453%97%Home Run (Deep LF)
6464211967-07-13 (1)Larry StahlNYM@CINahead 4-0t 6212-3286%99%Home Run (Deep RF); B. Hendley Scores; B. Harrelson Scores
6565311967-07-20Bobby TolanSTL@CINahead 6-3t 72---1285%94%Home Run (Deep RF)
6666411967-08-11Lou JohnsonLAD@CINahead 3-0t 601--2677%96%Home Run (Deep LF); J. Lefebvre Scores
1969 #car #yr #gm Date Batter @Bat   Score Inn Out RoB R BOP Pos bWPA bWE Notes Play Description
6767111969-04-22Carl YastrzemskiBOSNYYahead 6-3b 70---1373%97%Home Run (Deep LF)
6868211969-05-25 (1)Nate ColbertSDPCHCahead 3-1b 301234438%97%Home Run (Deep LF); T. Dean Scores; J. Sipin Scores; O. Brown Scores
6969311969-06-14Alex JohnsonCINCHCahead 4-2b 41-2-23711%91%Home Run (Deep CF); B. Tolan Scores

About the SABR Home Run Encyclopedia