Many detailed statistics are based on play-by-play accounts accumulated by Retrosheet. These totals may be incomplete (3.6% of all plays from 1912 to 1968 are missing or have incomplete accounts, click link for year and team summary of data completeness) for some players prior to 1969 and even complete seasons may not match the official totals due to errors in both the official totals and the play-by-play accounts.

Summary of 102 Home Runs

1 leading off, 2 walk-off, 15 tying, 31 go ahead

6 Tms
PHI 33
CAL 26
CHW 20
CHC 16
vs RHP 92
vs LHP 10
Home 56
Away 46
0 39
2 35
1 28
24 Opps
24 Parks
VeteransStad (PHI) 22
ComiskeyPk 1 (CHI) 15
Wrigley Fld (CHI) 14
Angel Stad (ANA) 11
Shea Stad (NYC) 3
Where Hit
9 62
8 2
7 1
General field locations
when available.
Game Totals
1·HR gms 90
2·HR gms 6
Gms w/ this # = 0
are not shown.
--- 65
1-- 17
12- 6
-2- 6
1-3 4
1 12
2 6
3 13
4 12
5 12
+4.. 15
+3 2
+2 7
+1 9
Tied 28
Before event,
for batter
CF 39
RF 32
LF 13
PH 11
1B 6
2nd 21
5th 19
7th 17
6th 17
3rd 10
High Lev 19
Medium Lev 38
Low Lev 45

Play By Play

Play By Play
1966 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
11111966-08-17CAL@MINCamilo Pascualtied 0-0t 10---1180.10360%Lead-OffHome Run (Deep RF)
22211966-08-20CAL@WSAMike McCormickahead 2-0t 71---1270.07991%Home Run (Deep RF)
33311966-08-26CALKCAJack Akertied 4-4b 92---1280.470100%Walk-OffHome Run (Deep RF)
1967 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
44111967-09-10CAL@WSADick Bosmantied 0-0t 80---18PH0.28078%Home Run (Deep RF)
55211967-09-12 (2)CAL@NYYFritz Petersonbehind 0-2t 62---1280.11325%Home Run (Deep RF)
1969 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
66111969-04-11CALMINJim Perryahead 2-1b 321--2380.18584%Home Run (Deep RF); J. Fregosi Scores
77211969-04-22CAL@CHWDon Secristahead 6-0t 921--2380.002100%Home Run (Deep RF); J. Fregosi Scores
88311969-04-25CAL@KCRBill Butlerbehind 0-3t 511--2180.16832%Home Run (Deep CF); B. Knoop Scores
99411969-07-04 (1)CAL@CHWGary Bellahead 2-1t 801234280.09098%Home Run (Deep CF); A. Rodríguez Scores; B. Morton Scores; S. Alomar Scores
1010511969-07-08CAL@SEPGarry Roggenburktied 0-0t 11---1280.10959%Home Run (Deep RF)
1111611969-07-14CALKCRRoger Nelsontied 0-0b 621--2280.31285%Home Run (Deep RF); S. Alomar Scores
1212711969-07-29CALBOSVicente Romotied 3-3b 90---1580.378100%Walk-OffHome Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF)
1313811969-09-05CALCHWJoe Horlentied 0-0b 10-2-2280.14275%Home Run (Deep RF); S. Alomar Scores
1414911969-09-19CALOAKChuck Dobsonbehind 0-5b 321-33480.17026%Home Run (Deep RF); W. Llenas Scores; J. Fregosi Scores
15151011969-10-02CAL@KCRWally Bunkerbehind 1-6t 92---1380.0010%Home Run (Deep RF)
1970 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
1616111970-04-15CALMINJim Perrybehind 1-8b 70---1580.0081%Home Run (Deep RF)
1717211970-04-17CALKCRDave Moreheadbehind 2-5b 5212-3580.35051%Home Run (Deep RF); J. Fregosi Scores; A. Johnson Scores
1818311970-05-10CALNYYStan Bahnsenbehind 2-3b 50---1780.16756%Home Run (Deep RF)
1919411970-05-15CAL@OAKCatfish Huntertied 1-1t 40---1780.13563%Home Run (Deep RF)
2020511970-06-10CAL@BALJim Palmerbehind 0-1t 72---1780.21143%Home Run (Deep RF)
2121611970-07-23CAL@BOSVicente Romotied 0-0t 42---1780.13359%Home Run (RF Line)
2222711970-07-24CALWSAJoe Colemanahead 5-0b 31---1780.02496%Home Run (Deep RF)
2323811970-08-07CAL@CHWBart Johnsonbehind 0-1t 52---1780.15145%Home Run (Deep RF)
2424911970-08-25 (2)CAL@DETLerrin LaGrowtied 6-6t 921234780.44898%Home Run (Deep RF); J. Fregosi Scores; A. Johnson Scores; K. McMullen Scores
25251011970-08-30CAL@CLESteve Harganahead 2-0t 12---1580.08575%Home Run (Deep RF)
26261111970-09-21CAL@MILLew Kraussebehind 2-3t 701--27PH0.33871%Home Run (Deep RF); R. Repoz Scores
1971 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
2727111971-04-07 (2)CHW@OAKRollie Fingerstied 0-0t 11---1280.11259%Home Run
2828211971-04-12CHWCALLloyd Allentied 1-1b 51---1280.16570%Home Run (Deep RF)
2929311971-05-02CHW@WSACasey Coxtied 0-0t 31---1880.13661%Home Run (Deep RF)
3030411971-05-25CHWKCRJim Yorkbehind 2-4b 71---19PH0.13429%Home Run (Deep RF)
3131511971-06-06CHWDETJoe Colemanahead 3-1b 12-2-2770.12987%Home Run (Deep RF); T. Egan Scores
3232621971-06-06CHWDETJoe Niekroahead 6-1b 60---1770.01099%Home Run (Deep RF)
3333711971-07-27CHWNYYMel Stottlemyrebehind 0-4b 40---1280.06919%Home Run (Deep RF)
3434811971-08-06CHW@OAKBlue Moon Odomahead 5-0t 61---1780.01898%Home Run
3535911971-08-20CHW@CLEVince Colberttied 0-0t 101--2280.16070%Home Run (Deep RF); P. Kelly Scores
36361021971-08-20CHW@CLESteve Harganahead 7-1t 901--2280.002100%Home Run (Deep LF); P. Kelly Scores
37371111971-08-25CHW@BALPat Dobsonbehind 0-1t 40---1280.14050%Home Run (Deep RF)
38381211971-08-27CHW@DETJoe Colemanbehind 1-3t 80---1280.11624%Home Run (Deep RF)
39391311971-09-05CHWKCRJim Yorkahead 5-0b 7212-35PH0.010100%Home Run (Deep RF); R. McKinney Scores; B. Melton Scores
40401411971-09-06 (2)CHWMINPete Hammbehind 2-8b 82---1280.0041%Home Run (Deep RF)
41411511971-09-15 (1)CHWOAKChuck Dobsonbehind 0-1b 21---1680.12253%Home Run
42421611971-09-28CHWMILMarty Pattinbehind 1-3b 80---1780.13828%Home Run
1972 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
4343111972-08-04CHWTEXDon Stanhousetied 0-0b 31---1280.14167%Home Run (Deep RF)
4444211972-08-08CHW@CALAndy Messersmithtied 0-0t 32---1280.14961%Home Run (Deep RF)
4545311972-08-18CHWBOSGary Petersahead 5-1b 421-33580.05399%Home Run; D. Allen Scores; C. May Scores
4646411972-10-04CHW@MINBert Blylevenbehind 1-11t 60---19PH0.0010%Home Run (Deep RF)
1974 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
4747111974-07-26PHI@CHCRick Reuschelbehind 1-3t 601--2690.23750%Home Run (Deep RF); D. Unser Scores
4848211974-07-28PHIPITLarry Demeryahead 2-0b 42---1690.08385%Home Run (Deep RF)
4949311974-08-02PHIMONSteve Rogersbehind 0-2b 71---1690.13530%Home Run
5050411974-08-06PHICHCSteve Stoneahead 5-0b 30-2-2690.02698%Home Run (Deep RF); D. Unser Scores
5151521974-08-06PHICHCTom Dettoreahead 7-3b 71---1690.01599%Home Run (Deep RF)
5252611974-08-31PHIHOUJ.R. Richardtied 0-0b 211-33790.19782%Home Run; G. Luzinski Scores; D. Unser Scores
1975 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
5353111975-04-19PHI@MONDennis Blairtied 0-0t 2012-3780.19279%Home Run; T. Hutton Scores; M. Schmidt Scores
5454211975-04-29PHIMONDennis Blairahead 4-0b 52---1690.03196%Home Run
5555311975-06-01PHIHOULarry Dierkerahead 4-0b 52---1390.03196%Home Run
5656411975-06-22 (2)PHIMONDon DeMolabehind 1-3b 81---19PH0.12023%Home Run
5757511975-06-29 (2)PHI@NYMTom Seaverbehind 1-3t 62---1390.11226%Home Run
5858611975-08-12PHILADMike Marshallbehind 4-7b 1011--2990.06511%Home Run (Deep RF); M. Schmidt Scores
5959711975-08-17PHISDPDave Freislebenahead 4-0b 30---1390.03794%Home Run (Deep RF)
1976 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
6060111976-05-01 (2)PHI@ATLRoger Moretahead 3-2t 90---1590.08693%Home Run
6161211976-05-25PHINYMTom Seaverahead 4-3b 50---1590.10883%Home Run
6262311976-06-11PHI@SDPAlan Fosterbehind 0-1t 80---1690.27650%Home Run
6363411976-08-19PHIHOUJoaquín Andújarahead 1-0b 121--2590.17080%Home Run; G. Luzinski Scores
6464511976-08-28PHI@CINWill McEnaneybehind 2-6t 801--2530.07112%Home Run (Deep RF); M. Schmidt Scores
1977 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
6565111977-05-17PHILADDon Suttonbehind 0-2b 12---1390.09541%Home Run (Deep RF)
6666211977-06-08PHIHOUMark Lemongellobehind 1-2b 521--2290.29567%Home Run; G. Maddox Scores
6767311977-07-05PHINYMPat Zachrytied 0-0b 12--32490.17071%Home Run; G. Maddox Scores
6868421977-07-05PHINYMPat Zachryahead 5-0b 31---1490.02796%Home Run
6969511977-07-17PHICHCRay Burristied 0-0b 12---1330.10261%Home Run (Line Drive to Deep RF)
7070621977-07-17PHICHCRay Burrisahead 2-0b 60---1330.06691%Home Run (Deep RF)
7171711977-08-12PHI@CHCRick Reuschelahead 6-2t 30---1530.04890%Home Run (Line Drive to Deep RF)
7272811977-08-13PHI@CHCWillie Hernándezbehind 3-6t 82-2-2690.11317%Home Run (Line Drive to Deep RF); M. Schmidt Scores
7373911977-08-19PHIHOUJoe Niekroahead 4-2b 62---1690.07590%Home Run
74741011977-08-22PHI@ATLPreston Hannabehind 2-3t 61---1690.15647%Home Run
75751111977-09-05 (2)PHI@PITBruce Kisontied 0-0t 201--2570.16470%Home Run (Deep RF); R. Hebner Scores
76761211977-09-07PHI@NYMPat Zachrytied 1-1t 41---1530.13861%Home Run
77771311977-09-08PHI@NYMBob Apodacaahead 5-2t 711--2530.06597%Home Run; G. Luzinski Scores
78781411977-10-01PHIMONWayne Twitchellbehind 1-3b 821--2590.40853%Home Run; J. Morrison Scores
79791511977-10-02PHIMONSteve Rogersahead 4-3b 52---1490.11679%Home Run
1978 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
8080111978-06-21NYY@BOSDennis Eckersleybehind 0-7t 52---18DH0.0113%Home Run (Deep RF)
1979 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
8181111979-04-14NYY@CHWLerrin LaGrowbehind 4-5t 8112347PH0.43892%Home Run (Deep RF); J. Spencer Scores; R. Jackson Scores; G. Nettles Scores
1980 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
8282111980-08-01LADSTLBob Forschbehind 0-1b 91---1390.47357%Home Run (Deep RF)
8383211980-09-24LADSFGTom Griffintied 2-2b 40---1690.13970%Home Run (Deep RF)
1981 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
8484111981-05-23LAD@CINTom Humebehind 4-5t 90---17PH0.35250%Home Run (Fly Ball to Deep RF)
8585211981-05-24 (1)LAD@CINPaul Moskaubehind 1-3t 80---18PH0.11624%Home Run (Deep RF)
8686311981-09-02LADPITMark Leeahead 5-2b 60---19PH0.03596%Home Run (Deep RF)
1982 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
8787111982-06-07CHC@PHIDick Ruthvenahead 3-1t 41---1670.09082%Home Run
8888211982-06-11CHC@MONCharlie Leabehind 0-5t 4012-3570.13126%Home Run; B. Buckner Scores; L. Durham Scores
8989311982-06-15CHCPHIDick Ruthventied 0-0b 32-2-2290.21475%Home Run; B. Wills Scores
9090411982-06-17CHCMONDavid Palmertied 0-0b 11---1290.10863%Home Run
9191511982-06-25CHCSTLJoaquín Andújartied 0-0b 4012-3590.20687%Home Run (Deep RF); B. Buckner Scores; L. Durham Scores
9292611982-08-05CHCNYMCharlie Puleotied 1-1b 321--2690.22675%Home Run; B. Buckner Scores
9393711982-08-08CHCPHIMike Krukowbehind 0-4b 611-33490.20534%Home Run; R. Sandberg Scores; B. Buckner Scores/unER
9494821982-08-08CHCPHITug McGrawbehind 4-5b 80---1490.31460%Home Run
9595911982-08-19CHCLADBob Welchtied 0-0b 21---1670.11664%Home Run (Deep RF)
96961011982-09-13CHC@PITDon Robinsonahead 3-2t 401--2670.16083%Home Run (Deep RF); J. Morales Scores/unER
1983 #car #yr #gm Date @Bat   Pitcher Score Inn Out RoB RBI BOP Pos WPA bWE Notes Play Description
9797111983-05-22CHCCINMario Sotobehind 0-2b 22-2-2770.19951%Home Run; R. Cey Scores
9898211983-05-26CHC@ATLSteve Bedrosianahead 4-0t 80---1670.01898%Home Run
9999311983-06-05CHCPITLee Tunnellbehind 0-1b 50---1570.16056%Home Run
100100411983-06-09CHCNYMEd Lynchahead 1-0b 60---1570.10685%Home Run
101101511983-08-03CHC@STLBob Forschahead 1-0t 31---1270.11071%Home Run (Deep RF)
102102611983-08-19CHCATLPhil Niekrobehind 0-4b 7112-39PH0.20430%Home Run; J. Davis Scores; R. Sandberg Scores

About the SABR Home Run Encyclopedia