Standard Pitching

Show Non‑Major
Standard Pitching Table
1884 20 STL AA 1.7 7 2 .778 2.61 13 7 6 7 0 0 82.2 61 34 24 1 15 58 3 0 9 341 126 2.68 0.919 6.6 0.1 1.6 6.3 3.87
1885 21 STL AA 9.5 40 13 .755 2.07 53 53 0 53 6 0 482.1 430 196 111 3 57 190 19 0 25 1948 160 2.65 1.010 8.0 0.1 1.1 3.5 3.33
1886 22 STL AA 7.6 30 14 .682 2.32 44 43 1 42 2 0 387.1 323 164 100 3 86 166 7 0 15 1581 147 3.07 1.056 7.5 0.1 2.0 3.9 1.93
1887 23 STL AA 6.8 29 9 .763 3.30 39 39 0 39 2 0 341.0 337 185 125 6 61 74 16 0 12 1442 137 3.75 1.167 8.9 0.2 1.6 2.0 1.21
1888 24 BRO AA 5.7 29 15 .659 2.39 44 43 1 42 4 0 391.2 337 176 104 4 53 140 10 0 23 1569 126 2.48 0.996 7.7 0.1 1.2 3.2 2.64
1889 25 BRO AA 6.4 40 11 .784 3.13 56 50 6 46 7 1 445.0 444 215 155 16 104 118 13 0 22 1880 110 3.73 1.231 9.0 0.3 2.1 2.4 1.13
1890 26 BRO NL 3.8 23 11 .676 3.09 37 33 4 30 1 0 300.0 292 163 103 9 87 64 12 0 9 1281 113 3.87 1.263 8.8 0.3 2.6 1.9 0.74
1891 27 BRO NL 2.9 18 14 .563 3.12 38 32 6 29 2 1 297.0 323 185 103 7 107 69 13 0 12 1331 104 3.58 1.448 9.8 0.2 3.2 2.1 0.64
1892 28 STL NL 0.3 2 10 .167 5.84 16 10 5 10 0 1 101.2 131 75 66 10 27 21 6 0 2 469 59 4.27 1.554 11.6 0.9 2.4 1.9 0.78
9 Yrs 44.7 218 99 .688 2.83 340 310 29 298 24 3 2828.2 2678 1393 891 59 597 900 99 0 129 11842 122 3.27 1.158 8.5 0.2 1.9 2.9 1.51
162 Game Avg 4.7 23 10 .688 2.83 36 32 3 31 3 0 296 280 146 93 6 62 94 10 0 13 1239 122 3.27 1.158 8.5 0.2 1.9 2.9 1.51
STL (5 Yrs) 25.9 108 48 .692 2.75 165 152 12 151 10 1 1395.0 1282 654 426 23 246 509 51 0 63 5781 133 3.15 1.095 8.3 0.1 1.6 3.3 2.07
BRO (4 Yrs) 18.8 110 51 .683 2.92 175 158 17 147 14 2 1433.2 1396 739 465 36 351 391 48 0 66 6061 113 3.39 1.219 8.8 0.2 2.2 2.5 1.11
AA (6 Yrs) 37.7 175 64 .732 2.62 249 235 14 229 21 1 2130.0 1932 970 619 33 376 746 68 0 106 8761 134 3.10 1.084 8.2 0.1 1.6 3.2 1.98
NL (3 Yrs) 7.0 43 35 .551 3.50 91 75 15 69 3 2 698.2 746 423 272 26 221 154 31 0 23 3081 97 3.81 1.384 9.6 0.3 2.8 2.0 0.70
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Value Pitching

Value Pitching Table
Season Age Team Lg IP G GS R RA9 RA9opp RA9def RA9role PPFp RA9avg RAA WAA gmLI WAAadj WAR RAR waaWL% 162WL% Awards
1884 20 STL AA 82.2 13 7 34 3.70 5.17 0.43 0.00 101 4.78 10 1.3 1.00 -0.1 1.7 15 .598 .508
1885 21 STL AA 482.1 53 53 196 3.66 5.41 0.51 0.00 102 5.00 72 7.3 -0.7 9.5 104 .638 .545
1886 22 STL AA 387.1 44 43 164 3.81 5.52 0.37 0.00 99 5.10 56 5.8 1.00 -0.5 7.6 84 .632 .536
1887 23 STL AA 341.0 39 39 185 4.88 6.36 0.29 0.00 105 6.38 57 5.1 -0.4 6.8 86 .631 .531
1888 24 BRO AA 391.2 44 43 176 4.04 5.18 0.20 0.00 98 4.88 36 3.9 1.00 -0.5 5.7 62 .588 .524
1889 25 BRO AA 445.0 56 50 215 4.35 5.93 0.21 0.00 90 5.15 40 4.0 1.00 -0.3 6.4 74 .572 .525
1890 26 BRO NL 300.0 37 33 163 4.89 5.40 0.19 0.00 98 5.11 7 1.5 1.00 -0.5 3.8 42 .542 .510
1891 27 BRO NL 297.0 38 32 185 5.61 5.53 -0.16 0.00 97 5.52 -3 0.4 1.00 -0.2 2.9 32 .509 .502
1892 28 STL NL 101.2 16 10 75 6.64 5.17 -0.43 0.00 105 5.87 -9 -0.6 1.00 -0.1 0.3 2 .460 .496
9 Yrs 2828.2 340 310 1393 4.43 5.59 0.23 0.00 99 5.28 266 28.7 1.00 -3.3 44.7 501 .584 .524
162 Game Avg 296 36 32 146 4.43 5.59 0.23 0.00 99 5.28 28 3.0 1.00 -0.3 4.7 52 .584 .524
STL (5 Yrs) 1395.0 165 152 654 4.22 5.64 0.34 0.00 102 5.42 186 18.9 1.00 -1.7 25.9 291 .614 .532
BRO (4 Yrs) 1433.2 175 158 739 4.64 5.53 0.12 0.00 95 5.14 80 9.8 1.00 -1.6 18.8 210 .556 .516
AA (6 Yrs) 2130.0 249 235 970 4.10 5.64 0.32 0.00 99 5.24 271 27.4 1.00 -2.5 37.7 425 .610 .531
NL (3 Yrs) 698.2 91 75 423 5.45 5.42 -0.05 0.00 99 5.39 -4 1.3 1.00 -0.9 7.0 76 .514 .504

Advanced Pitching

Advanced Pitching Table
Pitching Ratios
Season Age Team Lg IP HR% K% BB% Awards
1884 20 STL AA 82.2 0.3 17.0 4.4
1885 21 STL AA 482.1 0.2 9.8 2.9
1886 22 STL AA 387.1 0.2 10.5 5.4
1887 23 STL AA 341.0 0.4 5.1 4.2
1888 24 BRO AA 391.2 0.3 8.9 3.4
1889 25 BRO AA 445.0 0.9 6.3 5.5
1890 26 BRO NL 300.0 0.7 5.0 6.8
1891 27 BRO NL 297.0 0.5 5.2 8.0
1892 28 STL NL 101.2 2.1 4.5 5.8
9 Yrs 2828.2 0.5 7.6 5.0
MLB Average 0.6 9.4 7.5

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Advanced Batting

Advanced Batting Table
Batting Batting Ratios
Season Age Team Lg PA rOBA Rbat+ BAbip ISO HR% SO% BB% RS% Pos Awards
1884 20 STL AA 86 .306 108 .250 .098 2.3 4.7 54.2 O1
1885 21 STL AA 242 .282 86 .222 .077 0.4 8.3 52.2 1/O
1886 22 STL AA 382 .457 172 .326 .192 1.0 16.8 52.1 1O/4
1887 23 STL AA 436 .472 156 .364 .190 1.8 4.8 15.1 48.5 O1/3
1888 24 BRO AA 384 .320 112 .248 .104 1.3 10.4 11.7 43.8 O1
1889 25 BRO AA 218 .381 132 .268 .116 0.9 7.8 20.2 49.4 1/O3
1890 26 BRO NL 290 .368 120 .283 .076 0.3 6.2 16.2 39.5 O1
1891 27 BRO NL 196 .363 122 .295 .099 1.0 6.6 12.8 31.0 1O/4
1892 28 STL NL 604 .368 122 .289 .080 0.5 4.8 14.2 31.7 *O1/43
1893 29 2TM NL 68 .422 131 .271 .098 1.5 2.9 23.5 43.3 O
1893 29 CHC NL 4 .207 12 .000 .000 0.0 0.0 25.0 0.0 /O
1893 29 CIN NL 64 .435 138 .289 .104 1.6 3.1 23.4 44.8 O
10 Yrs 2906 .382 131 .290 .118 1.0 4.8 14.3 43.3 O13/4
MLB Average .316 100 .269 .089 0.6 6.7 7.5 45.6

Standard Fielding

Standard Fielding Table
Standard Range Factor
Season Age Team Lg Pos G Inn Ch PO A E DP Fld% lgFld% RF/9 lgRF9 RF/G lgRFG Awards
1884 20 STL AA OF 16 96.0 16 11 1 4 0 .750 .847 1.13 1.70 0.75 1.64
1884 20 STL AA P 13 83.0 13 3 9 1 0 .923 .829 1.30 2.28 0.92 2.21
1885 21 STL AA P 53 482.0 112 24 77 11 4 .902 .878 1.89 1.90 1.91 1.88
1885 21 STL AA OF 7 66.0 15 9 2 4 0 .733 .879 1.50 1.90 1.57 1.87
1886 22 STL AA P 44 387.0 87 25 53 9 2 .897 .885 1.81 2.00 1.77 1.95
1886 22 STL AA OF 43 329.0 61 42 10 9 3 .852 .877 1.42 1.84 1.21 1.79
1886 22 STL AA 2B 2 10.0 7 5 1 1 0 .857 .909 5.40 6.21 3.00 6.05
1887 23 STL AA OF 54 475.0 113 91 11 11 1 .903 .898 1.93 2.13 1.89 2.04
1887 23 STL AA P 39 341.0 136 40 92 4 0 .971 .883 3.48 2.27 3.38 2.18
1887 23 STL AA 1B 7 46.0 56 51 2 3 3 .946 .971 10.37 10.29 7.57 9.89
1888 24 BRO AA OF 51 465.0 109 93 5 11 3 .899 .907 1.90 1.86 1.92 1.83
1888 24 BRO AA P 44 392.0 138 34 89 15 2 .891 .891 2.82 2.45 2.80 2.41
1889 25 BRO AA P 56 445.0 124 29 91 4 4 .968 .905 2.43 2.13 2.14 2.05
1889 25 BRO AA OF 3 3.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 2.10 0.00 2.00
1889 25 BRO AA 1B 2 5.0 6 4 0 2 0 .667 .972 7.20 10.44 2.00 10.10
1890 26 BRO NL OF 39 280.0 57 45 4 8 0 .860 .914 1.58 1.96 1.26 1.91
1890 26 BRO NL P 37 300.0 111 20 79 12 1 .892 .898 2.97 2.24 2.68 2.19
1891 27 BRO NL P 38 297.0 84 13 66 5 2 .940 .915 2.39 2.29 2.08 2.25
1891 27 BRO NL OF 17 104.0 23 16 2 5 0 .783 .912 1.56 1.96 1.06 1.92
1891 27 BRO NL 2B 1 4.0 2 0 1 1 0 .500 .930 2.25 6.08 1.00 5.90
1892 28 STL NL OF 122 1015.0 194 159 14 21 2 .892 .912 1.53 1.95 1.42 1.89
1892 28 STL NL P 16 102.0 28 4 24 0 0 1.000 .901 2.47 2.48 1.75 2.41
1892 28 STL NL 2B 6 57.0 38 11 22 5 4 .868 .928 5.21 5.79 5.50 5.63
1892 28 STL NL 1B 4 32.0 39 35 1 3 4 .923 .976 10.13 10.86 9.00 10.55
1893 29 2TM NL OF 14 120.0 29 24 1 4 0 .862 .915 1.88 2.23 1.79 2.18
1893 29 CHC NL OF 1 5.0 1 1 0 0 0 1.000 .910 1.80 2.16 1.00 2.20
1893 29 CIN NL OF 13 115.0 28 23 1 4 0 .857 .915 1.88 2.23 1.85 2.18
Standard Range Factor
Pos G Inn Ch PO A E DP Fld% lgFld% RF/9 lgRF9 RF/G lgRFG Awards
10 Yrs 728 5936.0 1598 788 657 153 35 .904 .902 2.19 2.23 1.98 2.20
OF (10 Yrs) OF 366 2953.0 617 490 50 77 9 .875 .903 1.65 1.96 1.48 1.90
P (9 Yrs) P 340 2829.0 833 192 580 61 15 .927 .892 2.46 2.18 2.27 2.13
1B (3 Yrs) 1B 13 83.0 101 90 3 8 7 .921 .973 10.08 10.52 7.15 10.12
2B (3 Yrs) 2B 9 71.0 47 16 24 7 4 .851 .925 5.07 5.87 4.44 5.76

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  • Salaries may not be complete (especially pre-1985) and may not include some earned bonuses

Frequently Asked Questions

When was Bob Caruthers born?

Bob Caruthers was born on January 5, 1864.

Where was Bob Caruthers born?

Bob Caruthers was born in Memphis, TN.

How tall was Bob Caruthers?

Bob Caruthers was 5-7 (170 cm) tall.

How much did Bob Caruthers weigh when playing?

Bob Caruthers weighed 138 lbs (62 kg) when playing.

How many seasons did Bob Caruthers play?

Bob Caruthers played 10 seasons.

Is Bob Caruthers in the Hall of Fame?

Bob Caruthers has not been elected into the Hall of Fame.

What position did Bob Caruthers play?

Bob Caruthers was a Rightfielder and Pitcher.

How many strikeouts did Bob Caruthers have?

Bob Caruthers had 900 strikeouts over his career.

How many teams has Bob Caruthers played for?

Bob Caruthers played for 8 teams; the St. Louis Browns, Brooklyn, Brooklyn Bridegrooms, Brooklyn Bridegrooms, Brooklyn, St. Louis Browns, Chicago Colts and Cincinnati Reds.

How many World Series has Bob Caruthers won?

Bob Caruthers won 1 World Series.

When did Bob Caruthers retire?

Bob Caruthers last played in 1893.

What are Bob Caruthers' nicknames?

Parisian Bob is a nickname for Bob Caruthers.

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