Standard Pitching

Show Non‑Major
Standard Pitching Table
1891 22 STL AA 0.6 2 0 1.000 2.20 6 1 5 1 1 1 28.2 15 14 7 2 14 13 0 0 3 114 181 4.00 1.012 4.7 0.6 4.4 4.1 0.93
1892 23 STL NL 2.0 9 19 .321 4.69 39 32 6 28 1 0 282.1 280 192 147 8 148 126 6 0 7 1281 74 3.55 1.516 8.9 0.3 4.7 4.0 0.85
1893 24 STL NL 11.5 19 24 .442 3.18 48 42 5 38 1 1 382.2 359 197 135 8 156 102 8 0 9 1655 148 4.27 1.346 8.4 0.2 3.7 2.4 0.65
1894 25 STL NL 9.3 27 23 .540 4.79 56 50 4 46 1 0 447.1 497 320 238 21 191 140 11 0 5 1987 112 5.15 1.538 10.0 0.4 3.8 2.8 0.73
1895 26 STL NL 8.8 19 30 .388 4.37 55 51 4 47 1 1 438.2 468 299 213 16 182 131 14 0 4 1936 110 4.80 1.482 9.6 0.3 3.7 2.7 0.72
1896 27 STL NL 3.8 18 26 .409 4.48 44 43 1 37 1 0 339.2 376 236 169 12 138 114 5 0 4 1494 96 4.34 1.513 10.0 0.3 3.7 3.0 0.83
1897 28 CIN NL 7.6 23 12 .657 3.62 40 39 1 32 2 0 320.1 345 172 129 3 91 98 9 0 2 1365 125 3.77 1.361 9.7 0.1 2.6 2.8 1.08
1898 29 CIN NL 4.1 20 14 .588 3.42 39 37 2 32 3 0 315.2 313 170 120 2 123 68 11 0 3 1353 113 3.69 1.381 8.9 0.1 3.5 1.9 0.55
1899 30 CIN NL 3.3 13 9 .591 3.59 26 24 2 21 0 0 210.2 219 111 84 2 71 59 9 2 0 898 109 3.64 1.377 9.4 0.1 3.0 2.5 0.83
1900 31 CIN NL 1.8 10 10 .500 3.65 24 20 3 18 1 0 192.1 205 111 78 4 79 39 14 0 4 846 100 4.14 1.477 9.6 0.2 3.7 1.8 0.49
1901 32 STL NL -1.0 0 3 .000 6.60 3 3 1 1 0 0 15.0 24 26 11 1 14 3 0 0 1 81 49 6.19 2.533 14.4 0.6 8.4 1.8 0.21
11 Yrs 51.8 160 170 .485 4.03 380 342 34 301 12 3 2973.1 3101 1848 1331 79 1207 893 87 2 42 13010 110 4.26 1.449 9.4 0.2 3.7 2.7 0.74
162 Game Avg 4.9 15 16 .485 4.03 36 32 3 28 1 0 280 292 174 125 7 114 84 8 0 4 1225 110 4.26 1.449 9.4 0.2 3.7 2.7 0.74
STL (7 Yrs) 35.1 94 125 .429 4.28 251 222 26 198 6 3 1934.1 2019 1284 920 68 843 629 44 0 33 8548 108 4.51 1.480 9.4 0.3 3.9 2.9 0.75
CIN (4 Yrs) 16.8 66 45 .595 3.56 129 120 8 103 6 0 1039.0 1082 564 411 11 364 264 43 2 9 4462 113 3.79 1.392 9.4 0.1 3.2 2.3 0.73
NL (10 Yrs) 51.2 158 170 .482 4.05 374 341 29 300 11 2 2944.2 3086 1834 1324 77 1193 880 87 2 39 12896 109 4.26 1.453 9.4 0.2 3.6 2.7 0.74
AA (1 Yr) 0.6 2 0 1.000 2.20 6 1 5 1 1 1 28.2 15 14 7 2 14 13 0 0 3 114 181 4.00 1.012 4.7 0.6 4.4 4.1 0.93
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Value Pitching

Value Pitching Table
Season Age Team Lg IP G GS R RA9 RA9opp RA9def RA9role PPFp RA9avg RAA WAA gmLI WAAadj WAR RAR waaWL% 162WL% Awards
1891 22 STL AA 28.2 6 1 14 4.40 5.72 0.12 0.00 106 5.93 5 0.5 1.00 0.0 0.6 7 .578 .503
1892 23 STL NL 282.1 39 32 192 6.12 5.17 -0.37 0.00 105 5.82 -10 -0.5 1.00 -0.2 2.0 21 .488 .497
1893 24 STL NL 382.2 48 42 197 4.63 6.67 -0.03 0.00 101 6.76 91 8.3 1.00 -0.3 11.5 144 .672 .551
1894 25 STL NL 447.1 56 50 320 6.44 7.54 0.01 0.00 101 7.60 58 5.4 1.00 -0.4 9.3 129 .597 .534
1895 26 STL NL 438.2 55 51 299 6.13 6.70 -0.38 0.00 101 7.14 49 5.0 1.00 -0.4 8.8 111 .591 .531
1896 27 STL NL 339.2 44 43 236 6.25 6.17 -0.19 0.00 99 6.30 2 0.9 1.00 -0.3 3.8 46 .520 .506
1897 28 CIN NL 320.1 40 39 172 4.83 5.93 0.12 0.00 105 6.10 45 4.8 1.00 -0.2 7.6 86 .619 .529
1898 29 CIN NL 315.2 39 37 170 4.85 4.93 0.18 0.00 107 5.08 8 1.4 1.00 -0.3 4.1 42 .537 .509
1899 30 CIN NL 210.2 26 24 111 4.74 5.23 0.14 0.00 101 5.14 9 1.5 1.00 -0.2 3.3 33 .556 .509
1900 31 CIN NL 192.1 24 20 111 5.19 5.27 0.13 0.00 99 5.09 -2 0.1 1.00 -0.1 1.8 19 .506 .501
1901 32 STL NL 15.0 3 3 26 15.60 4.64 0.23 0.00 90 3.97 -19 -1.1 0.0 -1.0 -18 .129 .493
11 Yrs 2973.1 380 342 1848 5.59 6.13 -0.06 0.00 102 6.31 236 26.3 1.00 -2.6 51.8 620 .569 .521
162 Game Avg 280 36 32 174 5.59 6.13 -0.06 0.00 102 6.31 22 2.5 1.00 -0.2 4.9 58 .569 .521
STL (7 Yrs) 1934.1 251 222 1284 5.97 6.54 -0.17 0.00 101 6.79 175 18.5 1.00 -1.8 35.1 440 .574 .525
CIN (4 Yrs) 1039.0 129 120 564 4.89 5.36 0.14 0.00 104 5.41 60 7.8 1.00 -0.9 16.8 180 .560 .514
NL (10 Yrs) 2944.2 374 341 1834 5.61 6.13 -0.06 0.00 102 6.31 231 25.8 1.00 -2.6 51.2 612 .569 .521
AA (1 Yr) 28.2 6 1 14 4.40 5.72 0.12 0.00 106 5.93 5 0.5 1.00 0.0 0.6 7 .578 .503

Advanced Pitching

Advanced Pitching Table
Pitching Ratios
Season Age Team Lg IP HR% K% BB% Awards
1891 22 STL AA 28.2 1.8 11.4 12.3
1892 23 STL NL 282.1 0.6 9.8 11.6
1893 24 STL NL 382.2 0.5 6.2 9.4
1894 25 STL NL 447.1 1.1 7.0 9.6
1895 26 STL NL 438.2 0.8 6.8 9.4
1896 27 STL NL 339.2 0.8 7.6 9.2
1897 28 CIN NL 320.1 0.2 7.2 6.7
1898 29 CIN NL 315.2 0.1 5.0 9.1
1899 30 CIN NL 210.2 0.2 6.6 7.9
1900 31 CIN NL 192.1 0.5 4.6 9.3
1901 32 STL NL 15.0 1.2 3.7 17.3
11 Yrs 2973.1 0.6 6.9 9.3
MLB Average 0.6 6.7 8.1

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Advanced Batting

Advanced Batting Table
Batting Batting Ratios
Season Age Team Lg PA rOBA Rbat+ BAbip ISO HR% SO% BB% RS% Pos Awards
1891 22 STL AA 14 .134 -25 .000 .000 0.0 0.0 14.3 100.0 /1O
1892 23 STL NL 149 .197 24 .144 .023 0.0 13.4 10.7 47.1 1O
1893 24 STL NL 179 .247 38 .194 .038 0.6 8.4 10.1 40.4 1/O
1894 25 STL NL 224 .310 58 .245 .060 0.0 8.5 13.8 37.0 1/O
1895 26 STL NL 253 .252 38 .211 .009 0.0 8.7 11.5 34.7 1O
1896 27 STL NL 182 .294 66 .309 .056 0.0 14.3 7.1 38.2 1/O
1897 28 CIN NL 134 .324 72 .277 .129 0.0 3.7 4.5 41.0 1
1898 29 CIN NL 142 .290 60 .232 .033 0.0 6.3 11.3 38.1 1/O
1899 30 CIN NL 119 .406 129 .387 .086 0.8 9.2 8.4 37.0 1/O
1900 31 CIN NL 136 .246 42 .208 .071 1.5 13.2 6.6 32.3 1O
1901 32 STL NL 6 .332 103 .333 .000 0.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 /1
11 Yrs 1538 .279 54 .239 .051 0.3 9.4 9.8 38.4 1O
MLB Average .344 100 .294 .093 0.6 6.6 8.0 42.3


Standard Fielding

Standard Fielding Table
Standard Range Factor
Season Age Team Lg Pos G GS CG Inn Ch PO A E DP Fld% lgFld% RF/9 lgRF9 RF/G lgRFG Awards
1891 22 STL AA P 6 29.0 3 1 2 0 0 1.000 .907 0.93 2.54 0.50 2.47
1891 22 STL AA OF 1 8.0 2 1 1 0 0 1.000 .910 2.25 1.91 2.00 1.90
1892 23 STL NL P 39 282.0 96 22 68 6 2 .938 .901 2.87 2.48 2.31 2.41
1892 23 STL NL OF 10 62.0 12 11 1 0 1 1.000 .912 1.74 1.95 1.20 1.89
1893 24 STL NL P 48 383.0 132 42 82 8 4 .939 .913 2.91 2.50 2.58 2.45
1893 24 STL NL OF 2 5.0 1 1 0 0 0 1.000 .910 1.80 2.16 0.50 2.20
1894 25 STL NL P 56 447.0 134 42 83 9 4 .933 .912 2.52 2.19 2.23 2.09
1894 25 STL NL OF 7 21.0 6 5 0 1 0 .833 .915 2.14 2.36 0.71 2.29
1895 26 STL NL P 55 430.0 160 46 100 14 1 .913 .918 3.06 2.53 2.65 2.42
1895 26 STL NL OF 16 78.0 21 18 0 3 0 .857 .917 2.08 2.27 1.13 2.18
1896 27 STL NL P 44 340.0 130 34 89 7 4 .946 .916 3.26 2.72 2.80 2.62
1896 27 STL NL OF 8 53.0 13 12 0 1 0 .923 .933 2.04 2.24 1.50 2.16
1897 28 CIN NL P 40 320.0 84 16 65 3 3 .964 .920 2.28 2.55 2.03 2.44
1898 29 CIN NL P 39 316.0 108 17 89 2 3 .981 .918 3.02 2.65 2.72 2.55
1898 29 CIN NL OF 2 25.0 7 5 0 2 0 .714 .937 1.80 2.16 2.50 2.10
1899 30 CIN NL P 26 211.0 65 14 47 4 1 .938 .910 2.60 2.68 2.35 2.56
1899 30 CIN NL OF 7 48.0 15 11 3 1 0 .933 .944 2.63 2.25 2.00 2.16
1900 31 CIN NL P 24 192.0 73 9 60 4 0 .945 .921 3.23 2.67 2.88 2.59
1900 31 CIN NL OF 12 101.0 25 20 2 3 0 .880 .940 1.96 2.24 1.83 2.17
1901 32 STL NL P 3 3 1 15.0 9 2 7 0 2 1.000 .934 5.40 2.76 3.00 2.73
Standard Range Factor
Pos G GS CG Inn Ch PO A E DP Fld% lgFld% RF/9 lgRF9 RF/G lgRFG Awards
11 Yrs 445 3 1 3366.0 1096 329 699 68 25 .938 .916 2.75 2.49 2.31 2.39
P (11 Yrs) P 380 3 1 2965.0 994 245 692 57 24 .943 .915 2.84 2.53 2.47 2.44
OF (9 Yrs) OF 65 401.0 102 84 7 11 1 .892 .929 2.04 2.20 1.40 2.13

Appearances on Leaderboards, Awards, and Honors

Hall of Fame Statistics



  • Salaries may not be complete (especially pre-1985) and may not include some earned bonuses

Frequently Asked Questions

When was Theodore Breitenstein born?

Theodore Breitenstein was born on June 1, 1869.

Where was Theodore Breitenstein born?

Theodore Breitenstein was born in St. Louis, MO.

How tall was Theodore Breitenstein?

Theodore Breitenstein was 5-9 (175 cm) tall.

How much did Theodore Breitenstein weigh when playing?

Theodore Breitenstein weighed 167 lbs (75 kg) when playing.

How many seasons did Theodore Breitenstein play?

Theodore Breitenstein played 11 seasons.

Is Theodore Breitenstein in the Hall of Fame?

Theodore Breitenstein has not been elected into the Hall of Fame.

What position did Theodore Breitenstein play?

Theodore Breitenstein was a Pitcher and Outfielder.

How many strikeouts did Theodore Breitenstein have?

Theodore Breitenstein had 893 strikeouts over his career.

How many teams has Theodore Breitenstein played for?

Theodore Breitenstein played for 4 teams; the St. Louis Browns, St. Louis Browns, Cincinnati Reds and St. Louis Cardinals.

How many World Series has Theodore Breitenstein won?

Theodore Breitenstein never won a World Series.

When did Theodore Breitenstein retire?

Theodore Breitenstein last played in 1901.

What are Theodore Breitenstein's nicknames?

Theo is a nickname for Theodore Breitenstein.

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