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Archive for the 'A Word From Our Sponsors' Category

New Home for News & Tips

15th November 2011 » Sports Reference

We are moving all of our site and company news into a single blog for Sports Reference. We'll tag all B-R content, so you can quickly and easily find the content you want.

Also, our existing B-R blog rss feed will be redirected to the new site's feed.

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Fantasy Tips (3/30/2011)

30th March 2011

What follows are two pieces of sample fantasy advice from Baseball HQ, just like readers would receive during the course of their BHQ subscription. Get a competitive advantage in your league by subscribing today!

Nick Richards: Esmil Rogers was named the Rockies' 5th starter, and you might think 'who cares?' given that he had a 6.13 ERA and 1.667 WHIP last year.  But look deeper and you see part of the cause of those terrible numbers was a batting average on balls in play (BAbip) of .390 (!).  That's such an outlier of a number, you can expect it to return to normal levels.  Given that Rogers had a SO/9 of 8.3 (excellent) and a BB/9 of 3.3 (fine), Rogers has skill.  Take away some of that bad luck from last year where hits that should have been outs became part of his damaging WHIP instead, and you might have a halfway serviceable 5th starter in 2011.  It helps to look deeper than the surface stats to see where those surface stats came from.

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RESEARCH & ANALYSIS: Understanding differences in ADP

28th March 2011

by Bill Macey

The following is a free sample of a column from Baseball HQ, one of hundreds readers receive during the course of their subscription. Get a competitive advantage in your league by subscribing today!

Average Draft Position (ADP) data has become an increasingly popular tool in draft preparation, as it helps you to develop a general sense of how the market values different players and allows you to identify potential bargains in your upcoming draft. Once you've identified your likely targets, you can formulate a draft plan to build a roster that gets the most benefit from selecting those few key players at a discount.

While useful, over-reliance on ADP data can be dangerous, especially so if the ADP data isn't applicable for your draft. ADP data typically comes from mock drafts held online and ADP results differ, sometimes substantially, from one site to the next.

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RetroSheet Call for Volunteers

25th August 2010

The note below is a call for volunteers from RetroSheet President Dave Smith. If you like box scores, gamelogs, and splits from baseball's history on this site, you have Dave and his crew of volunteers to thank as their research has provided most of the information for that work. RetroSheet is a completely non-profit volunteer organization, and if you have some free time and love baseball history they have some ways you can help. You can e-mail Dave with an offer to help at

Retrosheet’s need for volunteer help
by Dave Smith

As we have accumulated more data, Retrosheet’s needs for volunteers have shifted.  At the present time our most critical need is for help obtaining scans of newspaper stories from newspapers that are not available on-line. There certainly are many internet resources with newspapers and the good news is that these should continue to increase.  However, there are some excellent newspapers from the 20th century that to this point are only available via microfilm. That means going to a library, sitting at the microfilm reader, finding the relevant story (we occasionally find some play by play accounts this way as well) and making a scan.  In many cases it is necessary to get the paper via interlibrary loan.

Until now, our primary mode of operation was for me to collect information and distribute it to volunteers for processing (game entry, deducing game accounts, digitizing of official records, etc).  Volunteers then donated huge amounts of their time to complete the tasks.  However, we are rapidly approaching the point that this model needs to change.  In the past several years, we have relied more and more on newspaper stories, especially for deducing play by play accounts.  The problem is that I have become the bottleneck in this process, since almost all the scanning has been done by me.  I have access to a great library and excellent interlibrary loan services, but the task is just too large for me to keep up with alone.  Others have provided substantial help, especially Bob Kistler in Boston, Jim Herdman in Seattle, Cliff Blau in New York and Walter LeConte in Kansas City, just to name the four most active.  However, the job before us is huge and it would be extremely valuable if others could help us collect the newspaper information.  I realize this is a much more demanding task than our “traditional” pattern of volunteer work at home.

I am therefore asking for help from anyone who can help with scanning from the following newspapers, mostly prior to 1950:

New York Daily News
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
St. Louis Globe-Democrat
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Pittsburgh Press
Boston Globe
Boston Record-American
Cincinnati Enquirer
Detroit Free Press
Detroit Times
Washington Times
Philadelphia Evening Bulletin

Over the years, I have worked on these papers in a rather disjointed way to address specific projects.  Therefore, we need selected dates from selected years and not just blanket copying of all issues of the Globe-Democrat from 1928, as an example.  If you can help with this difficult, but absolutely vital effort, let me know which papers you can access and I will provide you with exact dates that we need.

Dave Smith

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Bloops: From A&E Home Entertainment, Vintage World Series Films on DVD

2nd June 2010

As a kid, I absolutely wore out the VHS copies of World Series highlight films my dad had bought me at various yard sales, so I'm really happy to see this: A&E Home Entertainment has partnered with MLB to produce team-specific World Series Film collections on DVD, available for purchase at Each DVD features four full-length highlight films from the team's history; right now, the cities being offered are Chicago, St. Louis, Detroit, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, and New York. They sent me a copy of the Phillies highlights (in honor of S-R being a Philly-based company), and I was impressed with the quality of the digitally-preserved versions, especially the 1950 highlight of the Phils and Yankees. Priced at $19.99, these make a great gift for fans, especially ones (like me) who watched the old VHS copies until they would play no more.

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