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Bloops: Voros McCracken, Sabermetrician in Exile

Posted by Neil Paine on February 1, 2011

Here's an outstanding piece from Yahoo's Jeff Passan on Voros McCracken, the progenitor of DIPS Theory. Why is one of the most influential baseball thinkers of the past decade not actually working in baseball, spending his days and nights analyzing European soccer instead?

(Hat tip to Brian Burke for the link.)

5 Responses to “Bloops: Voros McCracken, Sabermetrician in Exile”

  1. Chuck Says:

    I was "surprised" to read in the article that Mr. McCracken lives in the same town as I do.

    My neighbor owns the cleaning company that takes care of the stadium and the grounds after events, including spring training games.

    If Mr. McCracken believes he should be associated with baseball, maybe he can get a job cleaning toilets or sweeping up hot dog wrappers.

    He's not qualified to do anything else.

    Which the Red Sox apparently found out.

  2. John Autin Says:

    Compassion is a virtue.

  3. Michael E Sullivan Says:

    Wow, did the math nerds make fun of you a lot when you were growing up, Chuck?

  4. Kahuna Tuna Says:

    Before "Moneyball" glorified the numbers-loving Oakland Athletics and lionized their general manager, Billy Beane -- to be played by Brad Pitt in the movie version of the book, at your multiplex this September --

    Sweet sassy molassey, it's not a joke! (No, I don't get out much.)

  5. Chuck Says:

    "Wow, did the math nerds make fun of you a lot when you were growing up, Chuck?"

    No, Michael.

    Sh*t doesn't roll uphill.