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200+ H, 25+ HR @ 2B

Posted by Raphy on October 3, 2010

Robinson Cano notched his 200th hit today giving him at least 200 hits and 25 home runs for the second consecutive season. Cano becomes the only second baseman not named Rogers Hornsby to have more than one such season in his career.

Rk Yrs From To Age
1 Rogers Hornsby 5 1922 1929 26-33
2 Robinson Cano 2 2009 2010 26-27
3 Chase Utley 1 2006 2006 27-27
4 Alfonso Soriano 1 2002 2002 26-26
5 Bret Boone 1 2001 2001 32-32
Provided by View Play Index Tool Used
Generated 10/3/2010.

16 Responses to “200+ H, 25+ HR @ 2B”

  1. barkfart Says:

    awesome. awesome. awesome.

    points to the idea that, no matter how many googa-bazillions you spend, you still gotta have a surprise guy like Cano to make it.

    Think 2006 Tigers and Chris Shelton.

    Feel free to insert your guy (Polanco 2010 Phillies, etc)

  2. Zachary Says:

    I like it when those kinds of milestones are nice and logical. 200 hits is a good number. 25 home runs is a good number. It's nice when the clubs aren't totally bizarre.

  3. Andy Patton Says:

    ah a mention of bret boone's very steroid induced 2001 season. excluding that, pretty impressive to see such a small number of people, and all very recently. Proves the power surge of second basemen in the last decade, even without steroids (for most of them)

  4. TheGoof Says:

    Took seven hits in the last two days (three games) to do it. Oh, and he added at least two walks and a HBP. That's ending a season in style. Might even be more impressive than how A-Rod reached 30-100 last year.

  5. Thomas Says:

    Is there any way we could do the MVP & other awards voting on here like we did a few years ago? If I remember correctly anybody could post a top 10 (or whatever applicable) for each award and someone added it up and put the results up.... no real argument or discussion about it... but we've got a lot of people that really know their stuff here.

    I'd be more than willing to keep tabs on the results if no one else wants to.

  6. Richard Says:

    Why 25? Does the list change much if it's only 20?

  7. Brad Says:


    I would replace "surprise" with "homegrown". Cano's been kind of a big deal for a while now. And Chris Shelton's never had a year like Cano''s.

  8. David Says:

    Agreed, Shelton had a hot start but then was eventually sent to the minors later in the season and didn't make the playoff roster.

  9. devans Says:

    Not to be not-picky, but 2 of Cano's hits this year were at DH. I suppose this list could be renamed 25+/200+ players who primarily played 2B.

  10. John Autin Says:

    Devans, your point is accurate, but I believe that "primarily played X" is the default meaning of all position references in these blogs, unless stated otherwise.

  11. JDV Says:

    Utley also fell under the threshold for second-basemen. Of his 203 H in 2006, 2 were as a DH, 2 were as a 1B, and 1 was as a PH.

  12. Dr. Doom Says:

    I second #5! I'd love to see some polls about how people feel about the awards balloting this year!

  13. Johnny Twisto Says:

    And someone needs to dig up and figure out who won that preseason contest we had.

  14. John Autin Says:

    This year, Cano finally overcame his struggles with men on base (check out his career splits:

    It will be interesting to see if that success carries over to the postseason, another area of chronic underperformance for Cano; his .634 postseason OPS is 202 points below his regular-season mark, and he really stunk it up in last year's World Series.

  15. Zack Says:

    Since somebody asked about 200 hits and 20 homers, the answer lies in this sporcle quiz I made a few months back:

    Note: this includes shortstops too.

  16. dennis Says:

    jeff Kent had two seasons with 195 and 196 hits but oh those HR numers! (33 and 37)