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Correction to Week 1 Stat Challenge results

Posted by Andy on June 2, 2010

Folks, reader KomA correctly pointed out a couple of errors I made when determining the results of the Week 1 Stat Challenge. Luckily it didn't affect who won (Arom24) although it did change the rankings a little bit.

My apologies for the mistakes--like many of you probably, I was very busy on the holiday and was a bit too rushed when I sat down to make the calculations.

Here are the final results for week 1:

1	Arom24	        13	10
2T	Josh W   	17	7
2T	Johnny Twisto	17	7
4T	elkboy	        20	4
4T	djsperr	        20	4
6	Omer_h	        21	4
7	dgreds	        22	2
8T	jacket1515	25	2
8T	TPRaider	25	2
8T	Eric F	        25	2

Here's what changed:

  • djsperr moved down 2 spots, but got 4 points either way
  • Omer_h moved down 1 spot but similarly got 4 points either way
  • dgreds didn't make the top 10 last time but now appears and gets 2 points
  • jacket1515 moved down 1 spot but still gets 2 points
  • same for TPRaider
  • Eric F now makes the list and gets 2 points
  • the sad news is for FrankM and KomA himself, who both fall off the top and lose 10 points.

Thanks to KomA for helping me to get it right, even knowing that it would cost him a spot in the top 10.

One Response to “Correction to Week 1 Stat Challenge results”

  1. koma Says:

    It´s a matter of course to correct the results in my opinion.
    It´s clearly my fault to forecast the wrong number of starts of the 4 pitchers;)(meaning less SO possible)
    But there are many weeks left, so i´ll got my shot.