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Runs Created Ages 22-35

Posted by Raphy on September 11, 2009

Lou Gehrig's name has been in the news a lot lately, so here is a quick Gehrig stat.  With the exception of a few games before and after, Gehrig's career essentially ran from 1925 when he was 22 until 1938 when he was 35. According to the runs created formula used by PI, during that time frame Gehrig created 2219 runs. Here are the all-time leader in RC from 22-35.

  Cnt Player             **RC**  From  To   Ages   G    PA    AB    R    H   2B  3B  HR  RBI  BB  IBB  SO  HBP  SH  SF GDP  SB   CS   BA   OBP   SLG   OPS  Positions Teams
    1 Lou Gehrig          2219   1925 1938 22-35 2133  9585  7935 1878 2700 529 162 492 1980 1500   0  781  45 105   0   0  102 101  .340  .448  .634 1.082 *3/976    NYY
    2 Babe Ruth           2136   1917 1930 22-35 1821  7963  6273 1682 2194 408 117 558 1680 1547   0  990  36 107   0   0  111 103  .350  .481  .719 1.200 79/183    BOS-NYY
    3 Stan Musial         1907   1943 1956 22-35 1992  8902  7670 1485 2614 536 152 341 1391 1145  34  427  40  29  18 168   64  27  .341  .428  .584 1.012 9378/1    STL
    4 Jimmie Foxx         1827   1930 1942 22-34 1849  8099  6802 1480 2213 385  99 478 1660 1249   0 1136   9  39   0  66   72  56  .325  .431  .622 1.053 *3/257961 PHA-BOS-TOT
    5 Rogers Hornsby      1821   1918 1931 22-35 1825  7970  6840 1393 2515 481 137 281 1392  909   0  550  35 186   0   0  100  62  .368  .444  .601 1.045 *465/3798 STL-NYG-BSN-CHC
    6 Barry Bonds         1812   1987 2000 22-35 2030  8657  7043 1512 2065 425  66 478 1357 1482 318 1087  54   2  76 118  435 128  .293  .416  .576  .992 *7/8D9    PIT-SFG
    7 Willie Mays         1781   1954 1966 23-35 2002  8598  7555 1520 2383 380 113 518 1414  946 151  897  26   4  67 174  270  82  .315  .390  .601  .991 *8/96735  NYG-SFG
    8 Hank Aaron          1778   1956 1969 22-35 2151  9353  8366 1540 2636 450  76 514 1549  876 214  938  19   6  86 220  219  66  .315  .378  .571  .949 *98/345   MLN-ATL
    9 Manny Ramirez       1724   1994 2007 22-35 1928  8297  7005 1337 2200 470  17 488 1599 1123 167 1535  85   2  82 210   34  31  .314  .411  .595 1.006 97D       CLE-BOS
   10 Ty Cobb             1714   1909 1922 22-35 1867  8130  7068 1476 2715 453 211  74 1198  819   0  283  61 182   0   0  698 117  .384  .452  .539  .991 *89/3415  DET
   11 Mickey Mantle       1707   1954 1967 22-35 1892  7810  6316 1360 1914 258  56 461 1211 1430 119 1338  12   9  43  94  127  24  .303  .430  .581 1.011 *837/964  NYY
   12 Frank Thomas        1687   1990 2003 22-35 1851  8167  6611 1255 2048 428  11 418 1390 1386 159 1077  65   0 105 185   32  21  .310  .428  .568  .996 *3D       CHW
   13 Jeff Bagwell        1668   1991 2003 23-35 1955  8629  7125 1402 2137 455  30 419 1421 1287 148 1406 119   3  95 207  196  74  .300  .411  .549  .960 *3/D9     HOU
   14 Al Simmons          1635   1924 1937 22-35 1898  8365  7694 1371 2631 489 138 277 1654  540   0  623  26 105   0   0   86  62  .342  .387  .549  .936 *78/39    PHA-CHW-DET-WSH
   15 Tris Speaker        1619   1910 1923 22-35 2001  8674  7348 1429 2597 576 177  77 1101 1037   0  167  80 209   0   0  364 110  .353  .439  .511  .950 *8/13     BOS-CLE
   16 Alex Rodriguez      1618   1998 2009 22-33 1795  8016  6857 1412 2077 341  21 513 1458  944  84 1461 140   4  71 173  242  57  .303  .395  .583  .978 *65/D     SEA-TEX-NYY
   17 Frank Robinson      1614   1958 1971 22-35 2027  8556  7285 1379 2192 405  57 436 1396 1050 177 1054 144   1  76 204  178  65  .301  .396  .552  .948 *973/85   CIN-BAL
   18 Todd Helton         1607   1997 2009 23-35 1792  7674  6439 1209 2113 506  34 324 1194 1114 175  870  49   3  69 159   36  27  .328  .427  .568  .995 *3/79D    COL
   19 Mel Ott             1581   1931 1944 22-35 2021  8663  7209 1425 2162 358  58 403 1407 1347   0  713  46  61   0  75   67   0  .300  .413  .533  .946 *958/7    NYG
   20 Harry Heilmann      1581   1917 1930 22-35 1928  8198  7123 1206 2484 502 139 179 1442  792   0  479  33 250   0   0  103  56  .349  .416  .534  .950 *93/874   DET-CIN
   21 Goose Goslin        1574   1923 1936 22-35 2055  9086  8010 1395 2554 466 164 238 1507  875   0  531  49 152   0   0  171  84  .319  .389  .507  .896 *79/85    WSH-TOT-SLB-WSH-DET
   22 Paul Waner          1573   1926 1938 23-35 1940  8765  7730 1399 2648 512 180 105 1100  851   0  293  36 148   0  82  100   0  .343  .410  .496  .906 *9/387    PIT
   23 Derek Jeter         1566   1996 2009 22-35 2104  9674  8541 1559 2709 433  57 223 1057  870  33 1442 142  77  44 210  300  80  .317  .388  .460  .848 *6/D      NYY
   24 Chipper Jones       1561   1995 2007 23-35 1887  8139  6895 1294 2115 424  34 386 1299 1151 121 1080  15   3  75 191  134  43  .307  .403  .546  .949 *57/6D9   ATL
   25 Jim Thome           1561   1993 2006 22-35 1814  7656  6194 1244 1757 343  21 469 1281 1349 136 1859  53   1  59 103   15  18  .284  .413  .573  .986 *35D      CLE-PHI-CHW

Warning: If you're tired of reading about a shortstop whose name rhymes with Eric Peter, please stop here.

Even knowing that an unadjusted counting stat like this favors players in the modern era who have a lot of plate appearances, I was still surprised to see who was 23. If we limit this list to players who played at least  50% of their games at shortstop, Jeter is much closer to #1 than he is to #3. For someone  who was "never about the numbers", Jeter's stats are certainly worth noticing.

5 Responses to “Runs Created Ages 22-35”

  1. Neil Paine Says:

    Jeter's a no-brainer for the Hall of Fame, of course, but I find it interesting that Chipper Jones, someone who will probably make the HoF but isn't considered a slam-dunk (and certainly would rank below Jeter in most people's "greatest players" lists), created only 5 fewer runs than Jetes over that span, and he did it in more than 1,500 fewer PA.

  2. JohnnyTwisto Says:

    Yeah, Jeter's numbers have always shown what a fine hitter he is. Maybe people who don't realize offense can actually be measured beyond HR and RBI think his stats don't show his value. Then they mock the "statheads" who "don't realize" how good Jeter is, because his game goes beyond his pedestrian totals in those categories.

    Anyway, I'm still surprised Jeter ranks so high here. He has the 2nd most PA over those ages, just behind Pete Rose.

  3. rico petrocelli Says:

    noticing Manny is the key top ten guy from our era (besdies Bonds).
    He is the #1 player of our era. Pujols may top his numbers but he did it for the core 13

  4. jksesq1 Says:

    I can't find the definition of RC that's used here, can someone post it or direct me to it? (I'm assuming this is the Bill James stat but I think Bill had a couple versions).


  5. JohnnyTwisto Says:

    Believe it is a Bill James formula. I seem to recall it's one of the more complex versions (i.e, not just OBP*TB), but as far as I can tell the current inadequate glossary does not make it clear.