Share B-R Tables (beta)
Posted by Sean Forman on August 28, 2009
One of the underlying principles for the site has been to make it easy to share data. We've done that by supporting the and retrosheet and we've done that by providing options like CSV and PRE above each of the tables on the site.
These options are helpful to power users who understand excel and don't mind taking a little time to learn new things, but for users who just want a quick and dirty table, it has always been a little too
hard to copy and paste what's on the site. We've solved that problem and dramatically increased the ways and means you can share data on the site.
The sharing feature appears only on Babe Ruth's pages (main, batting, fielding, pitching) right now, but after we are confident all of the bugs are worked out it will appear on every page and above every table on the site (sadly I have to rewrite much of the play index to get this to work there) and on our other sites as well.
Here is how you do it.
- Find the data you want to share. For now just on the Babe's Page
- Click on the SHARE link just above the stats next to the header (javascript required).
- A sharing toolbox appears and buttons to delete columns and rows appear allowing you to pare the data down to just want you want.
- Please note that any sorting should occur before you delete rows or columns.
- Next select the output option from html, to iframes, to pre-formatted (good for most internet forums) and more. We've created a Demo Page for all of the options
- If we don't have the format you want, let us know.
Please give this a try and use it to post something at your favorite websites or a website you write for. You will be free to use this data anywhere, we would just ask that you include the citation at the bottom of the table as a courtesy to us for providing this service.
Also, once we are confident all of the bugs are worked out, we will release this site-wide, so give us all of the feedback you can.
August 28th, 2009 at 4:59 pm
As someone with a little baseball blog and almost no time to maintain it, this might be the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. 🙂
August 29th, 2009 at 12:50 pm
Hey Sean...this looks wonderful. I experimented by putting a link on my Facebook page, then created an HTML table to use on my blog ( and a Delphi forum I frequent. All look great. When times were tight for us earlier this year I had ti let my Play Index subscription lapse. I start a new job next week and look forward to using part of my first paycheck to renew my subscription! Thanks always for all your great work.