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Team and League Wins Above Replacement Tables with 2010 Salaries and How Acquired

Posted by Sean Forman on May 21, 2010

2010 Cubs Position Players Value and 2010 NL Position Player Value

I've added a column to the player value tables show how the team acquired the player. Amateur Draft, Free Agency, Waivers, Trades, etc. This column shows the last transaction involving the team and the player. This way you can see how many WAR the team's got through trades, or from their farm system, etc. I've also added it to the league registers showing player value.

The 2010 salaries have now been updated with the latest data.

I am still working on the 2010 daily Pitching WAR updates. Hopefully next week.

Update: I should mention that this column will appear on pre-2010 data later today.

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