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Oh Nine: The Year Of The Cycle

Posted by Steve Lombardi on August 16, 2009

Following up on Andy's note from April...

Via's Play Index Batting Game Finder...

We've now had seven cycles in the big leagues this season, to date - and that's the most in one season, for MLB, from 1954 through 2009:

 Year Games Link to Individual Games
 2009     7 Ind. Games
 2004     6 Ind. Games
 1976     6 Ind. Games
 2008     5 Ind. Games
 2006     5 Ind. Games
 2001     5 Ind. Games
 2000     5 Ind. Games
 1980     5 Ind. Games
 1970     5 Ind. Games
 2003     4 Ind. Games
 1991     4 Ind. Games
 1989     4 Ind. Games
 1987     4 Ind. Games
 1985     4 Ind. Games
 1984     4 Ind. Games
 1979     4 Ind. Games
 1972     4 Ind. Games
 1964     4 Ind. Games
 2007     3 Ind. Games
 2005     3 Ind. Games
 1999     3 Ind. Games
 1998     3 Ind. Games
 1996     3 Ind. Games
 1995     3 Ind. Games
 1993     3 Ind. Games
 1988     3 Ind. Games
 1978     3 Ind. Games
 1977     3 Ind. Games

2 Responses to “Oh Nine: The Year Of The Cycle”

  1. BoondockSaint Says:

    I was just reading about Felix Pie's cycle over at Yahoo Sports and they were saying that in 1933, and even earlier in 1890, the record was set at eight cycles in one season. Let's see if Oh-Nine can produce two more cycles and break that record.

  2. Andy Says:

    Thanks for following up on this Steve.