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NYDailyNews Article on B-R

Posted by Sean Forman on July 20, 2009

Prof. builds game's most influential Web site:

A profile of myself and the site in the NY Daily News from over the weekend.

11 Responses to “NYDailyNews Article on B-R”

  1. leatherman Says:

    Great read, Sean. I am glad that you took the leap of faith to make this your full time gig back in 2006. I know I am not alone. You deserve all the accolades you have received. Keep up the good work.


  2. Andy Says:

    It's funny how they made you turn your monitor towards the camera.

    I'm just curious--who else here has been using this site since it was first created? I discovered it within its first few months of operations so many years ago.

  3. Sean Forman Says:

    Notice the dual monitor setup. 🙂

  4. Raphy Says:

    Very nice article. You turned down "set for life" and "would have allowed him to retire". Thanks for staying dedicated to creating a great site.

  5. dave Says:

    Is that really Sean?
    That's what he looks like, eh?

  6. JohnnyTwisto Says:

    I'm pretty sure I've been using B-R almost since it began.

  7. kingturtle Says:

    sean, congrats! great article. you're up there with jimmy wales in my book. you came along just in time. my old baseball encyclopedias were worn out from page flipping.

    i definitely remember using this site the year bonds got his 73 dingers. thank you for maintaining this site's integrity, simplicity and beauty.


  8. Andy Says:

    The year Bonds got 73 dingers? was already a maturing teenager, at least in Internet-years, by then.

  9. Didre Says:

    I'd been using the site for about a year when I mentioned it as one with a great user experience in an Information Architecture class back in spring 2001. Funny, I'd mention it again today if I were taking the class again.

    This is simply the best site on the Internet. Thanks, Sean.

  10. ollie1000 Says:

    that's cool, this place is great for stat heads, congrats on that...

    without knowing the answers I'm going to take a wild stab at the 3 questions: 4, 92, .268

  11. tomepp Says:

    The article mentions the birth of your first child. Poor kid, doomed to grow up with two math professors as parents. So much for the excuse "my parents couldn't help me - they didn't understand it either" when not doing his/her math homework...

    Btw, my son is doomed to the same fate, as both my wife and I are math professors, too.