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Trivia time: which leaderboard is this?

Posted by Andy on July 14, 2009

Here's a leaderboard for 2009. Can you figure out what it is?

1    Jason Giambi
2    Chris Young
3    Ken Griffey
4    Chris Davis
5    Jason Varitek
6    Mike Fontenot
7    Jim Thome
8    Mike Jacobs
9    Joe Crede
10    Chris Duncan

Answer is after the jump.

These guys have the fewest hits this season among players qualified for the batting title. Hard to believe, maybe, but true.

  Cnt Player             **H**  Year Age Tm  Lg  G   PA  AB  R  2B 3B HR RBI  BB IBB  SO HBP  SH  SF GDP  SB CS   BA   OBP   SLG   OPS  Positions
    1 Jason Giambi         50   2009  38 OAK AL  80 317 260  38 12  0 11  40  48   1  71   7   0   2   5   0  0  .192  .331  .365  .696 *3D
    2 Chris Young          50   2009  25 ARI NL  81 293 255  32 20  3  6  25  33   0  73   1   2   2   1  11  2  .196  .289  .369  .658 *8
    3 Ken Griffey          51   2009  39 SEA AL  70 275 230  27 12  0 10  26  43   0  40   0   0   2   5   0  0  .222  .342  .404  .746 *D/79
    4 Chris Davis          52   2009  23 TEX AL  77 277 258  31 10  0 15  33  17   2 114   2   0   0   3   0  0  .202  .256  .415  .671 *3/5
    5 Jason Varitek        55   2009  37 BOS AL  67 273 230  35 16  0 13  38  37   4  49   3   0   3   3   0  0  .239  .348  .478  .826 *2
    6 Mike Fontenot        56   2009  29 CHC NL  78 274 243  22 11  1  6  28  27   3  59   1   0   3   5   2  1  .230  .307  .358  .665 *54
    7 Jim Thome            56   2009  38 CHW AL  72 275 220  38 10  0 14  50  54   1  71   0   0   1   7   0  0  .255  .400  .491  .891 *D
    8 Mike Jacobs          57   2009  28 KCR AL  76 284 257  27 11  1 12  30  25   2  82   2   0   0   4   0  0  .222  .296  .412  .708 *D3
    9 Joe Crede            59   2009  31 MIN AL  68 279 252  32 11  1 14  40  22   1  43   2   0   3   5   0  0  .234  .297  .452  .749 *5/D
   10 Chris Duncan         59   2009  28 STL NL  83 295 252  25 15  2  5  32  40   1  63   0   0   3   5   0  1  .234  .336  .369  .705 *7/3D

Among them, Thome and Varitek are having respectable seasons. In fact, I'd go far as to say that Varitek is having an excellent season, considering he's a 37-year-old catcher and his OPS+ so far in 2009 is 108. He's already matched his 2008 HR output and nearly matched his RBI output from last year. Yeah, he's batting only .239, but a lot of those hits are of the long variety. And Thome is no slouch either. His power numbers are down, yes, but his hit total is low mainly because A) he's played JUST enough to qualiy and B) he's walking a lot. His OPS+ is still 129.

Crede and Griffey have been about league-average while the rest are doing what I once heard referred to as "making the top half possible."

Three Chrises, two Mikes, four J names, and one Ken.

6 Responses to “Trivia time: which leaderboard is this?”

  1. kingturtle Says:

    funny you should post this. i just noticed a few days ago that two qualifying players were hitting under .200, and Chris Davis could make it three.

    can you make a list of all instances of qualifying hitters with BAs of under .200 at season's end? not that it is important, but it would be interesting to see what seasons had the most instances. surprisingly in 1968 there was only one: tom tresh (.195) .

  2. Andy Says:

    I'll post that tomorrow.

  3. Tom Clancy Says:

    Definitely filing "making the top half possible" away for a rainy day. Nice.

  4. Andy Says:

    I heard that phrase used on my first day of college when the dean addressed all of the students in my particular school. This was his version of "look to your left, look to your right, one of these people won't be here when you graduate." His exact words were "Some of you will be in the top half, and the rest of you will make the top half possible."

    It's my particular major (a pretty competitive field at a very well-known university) there were 130 students on that first day. When I graduated 4 years later, only 35 of those 130 remained. Many switched to a different major and many failed out entirely.

    We now resume baseball discussions.

  5. Bretford Computer Desk Black Ec2741ffbk Says:

    Bretford Computer Desk Black Ec2741ffbk...

    Here’s a leaderboard for 2009. Can you figure out what it is?1 Jason Giambi2 Chris Young3 Ken [...]...

  6. kingturtle Says:

    andy, that reminds me of the joke Garrison Keillor repeats every week in Prairie Home Companion, when describing his fictional town he says "all the children are above average." We can't *all* be above average.