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Search: “The A Rod”

Posted by Sean Forman on June 24, 2009

Search Engine Features and Capabilities -

I just added a mod to the search box on the site. With the addition of all of the minor league pages, getting to someone like Alex Rodriguez's page via a search "A Rod" returns like 50 people. Now, if you type in "the A Rod" it looks through our db and returns the most popular major league player who matches the search "A Rod". Adding "the " to the front of any player search will send you to the most popular player matching that search. This isn't quite perfect. For example, for strings like "the b l" you won't get whoever is the most popular player with B.L. initials. You'll get Bonds due to "b l" matching "Barry Lamar". Still I think this will cut down on the number of clicks people will have to make.

There are lots of good tips on the linked page above that shows all of the things our search box can do.

2 Responses to “Search: “The A Rod””

  1. admin Says:

    Sorry, I'm an idiot, I forgot to update the build server with the change, so it was overwritten this morning. "The Somebody" searches will now work again. Sorry.

  2. Andy Says:

    Wow, this is a great addition. Really helps those of us who routinely look up 50+ people per day.