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Rick Ankiel called up

Posted by Andy on August 9, 2007

UPDATE 2: Hey, that's 3 homers in 3 games for Ankiel. The last story I can remember of a young top-flight pitcher disappearing then coming back as a power-hitting outfielder is that one about Roy Hobbs.

UPDATE: Ankiel powered a 3-run homer in his first game with the Cardinals as an outfielder. A very nice start.

Rick Ankiel was called up to the Cardinals (Thanks to Tim at for the link.)

You probably remember Ankiel as one of the guys who suffered the condition named after Steve Blass, namey losing the ability to throw strikes with any regularity. It was in the third inning of Game 1 of the ALDS vs. the Braves in 2000 when Ankiel unexpectedly threw 5 wild pitches and had to be taken out of the game. His career as a an effective major league pitcher ended right there.

But as you may have heard, Ankiel accepted assignment to the minor leagues and started over as an outfielder. He's had some injuries in the last couple of years, but finally put together a full season this year and has shown tremendous power in the minors. In 2000, before that playoff game, he hit 2 home runs in 68 at-bats.

Ankiel has shown tremendous tenacity and dedication. Most people, after suffering such a public type of failure, would choose to shrink away into anonymity. Ankiel obviously feels he can contribute, and I for one hope he finds success again at the major league level. Don't forget, he's still a couple of weeks away from his 26th birthday! he just turned 28! He has plenty of time for a second major league career.

5 Responses to “Rick Ankiel called up”

  1. OscarAzocar Says:

    Ankiel turned 28 last month.

  2. Andy Says:

    Yeah...I was reading the wrong date somewhere. Thanks.

  3. Andy Says:

    By the way, Oscar, what have you been up to since you retired?

  4. OscarAzocar Says:

    Just taking lots of walks

  5. Andy Says:


    With a .248 career OBP I find that hard to believe 🙂