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“Have I got a preposition for you!”

Posted by John Autin on July 20, 2011

Come on up out from under over there!
Let's briefly set aside the stats and try a little whimsy.

Tigers LHP Duane Below, making his MLB debut tonight, needs a nickname. I'll get the ball rolling with a couple of obvious suggestions:

  • Duane "Look Out" Below
  • Duane "He's Got the Fire Down" Below
  • Duane "Wind-Chill Twenty" Below (he is from Michigan)

I'm sure you limber linguists can top my feeble phrases. Let's see what you've got!

56 Responses to ““Have I got a preposition for you!””

  1. zuke Says:

    as a white sox fan, i hope it eventually becomes something like

    duane "damn, his ERA+" below.

    a little slangy, but whatever

  2. DavidRF Says:

    Does he throw a sinker?

    Duane "Pitches Will" Below

  3. Hartvig Says:

    I can't think of anything that tops Look Out. That would truly be one of the all time great nicknames. The only issue I have is as a Tiger fan, it's a little to close to sounding like it belongs with Walter "Boom-boom" Beck or Hugh "Losing Pitcher" Mulcahy.

  4. David Says:

    Duane "Don't Miss High" Below

  5. Imbroglio21 Says:

    No reply from Chris Berman yet???

  6. SocraticGadfly Says:

    He needs to become a submariner, so we could say Duane "Throwing From" Below.

  7. EBNYC Says:

    Duane "the Ump said that last pitch" Below

  8. Johnny Twisto Says:

    you limber linguists can top my feeble phrases

    Won't top this one. Very nice.

  9. Randy Says:

    Hopefully this doesn't come off the wrong way, but to quote the Will Ferrell SNL Jeopardy sketch, I will offer this suggestion.
    Duane Below "Me"

  10. Mike L Says:

    Duane "The Sky Above, the Mud' Below

  11. Max Says:

    I'll take it in a different direction:

    Duane "The Bathtub" Below

    Kinda works for a guy who's 6'3, 220

  12. Richard Chester Says:

    If I may quote the Oak Ridge Boys, Duane "There's a Desert" Below"

  13. Spartan Bill Says:

    i hope it isn't something negative like "Below'n Save"

    Or we can go with the rara nickname that is synonym of a homonym, Be-Minus

  14. rico petrocelli Says:

    I like the backwards ones

    Duane "The Belt" Below

    Duane "Sea Level" Below

    But he winner is

    "Just putcha lips together and"

  15. Kahuna Tuna Says:

    It'll be hard to improve on your first suggestion, John.

    Duane "Don't Be High" Below
    Duane "Six Floors" Below
    Duane "Slightly" Below
    Duane "The Street" Below
    Duane "Pound the Zone" Below

    Especially with these.

  16. Artie Z Says:

    Duane "one above and one" Below

    Borrowing from Kahuna Tuna:

    Duane "six feet" Below or Duane "dig a grave and put'em six feet" Below - for when he's setting the opposition down.

  17. TapDancingTeddy Says:

    Better not be Duane "Below Replacement Level" or he won't be around long.

  18. John Autin Says:

    You guys are great! The call to whimsy has been answered.

  19. John Autin Says:

    @11, Max -- I was hoping for a bathtub suggestion! My good friend, Alan, has told me the same knock-knock joke every year for 35 years:

    -- Who's there?
    -- Duane who?
    Duane the bathtub, I'm dwowning!

  20. John Autin Says:

    I'm also partial to Rico's "The Belt" -- you'd have to think about it for a moment to get it; and even if you don't get it, it can just serve as a mysterious (dare I say, obscure?) moniker.

  21. John Autin Says:

    And I have to laud Spartan Bill for the high-concept "a synonym of a homonym."

    (Bill, your new nickname is "The Secret of 'Nym.")

  22. John Autin Says:

    @12, Richard -- Your idea would work especially well if Duane is ever relieved by Al Alburquerque. 🙂

    On the other hand -- and maybe I shouldn't go here, but it's Whimsy Night -- I'm sort of concerned about the chance that Duane might end up in the bullpen, and someday enter a game in relief of Charlie Furbush.

  23. JohnBoy Says:

    Should he become a strikeout king or a Pirate...

    Duane Below the Man Down

  24. Spartan Bill Says:

    if the line score read "Below, Alburqueque" that would be somewhere about Las Cruces or El Paso

    Or we call it Pepsi if it was "Below, Coke"

    And I certainly don't even want to get into what happens after the September call-ups when it reads "Below, Furbush"

  25. Kahuna Tuna Says:

    One more before I sign off:

    Duane "Cat" Below

    It helps that he plays for the Tigers.

  26. Nash Bruce Says:

    all the good ones have been taken, but, if he winds up not being that good, "Duane Below Major League Level" is a real possibility.....

  27. Nash Bruce Says:

    or, if he becomes a crappy reliever, "Duane Belows Another Save".
    Would almost make a decent headline.....

  28. Dukeofflatbush Says:

    To keep with our inside joke of all the silly things those darn Germans say, It is a shame that Wes Obermueller never faced Duane Below.

  29. John Autin Says:

    If he saves 20 one year and wins 20 the next: "D-Lowe" Below.

  30. John Autin Says:

    @28, Duke -- That match-up would go down in Geschichte....

  31. Dukeofflatbush Says:


    "ON deck, pinch hitting for OVERbay, is UPton, IN to face BELOW who is replacing Josh OUTman, who relieved Scott DOWNs."

    "This game has been up and down all day."

  32. Mike L Says:

    He could develop a nasty sinker, become an extreme ground ball pitcher, and be Duane "What Lies" Below.

  33. jiffy Says:

    Nothing further to add, except to note that a preposition is anywhere you can throw a cat.

  34. Kahuna Tuna Says:

    Josh OUTman

    I'd been thinking about this guy recently, under the heading of "Guys who got good baseball names." Coaker Triplett is on this list, along with Ken and Chris Singleton, all the Winns/Wynns/Wynnes (Wynn Hawkins too), Wade and Don Blasingame, Josh Fields, Jim Greengrass, all the Parks and Parkers. Etc., etc.

    The opposite list has to start with Homer Bailey. Man, what a bummer name for a pitcher. Others on the list include Bob Walk, both Jim Walkups, Jim Fanning, Carmen Fanzone, pitcher Dick Lines, and, if we're going to be honest about it, Johnny Bench. Frank Snook, on general principle. Nate Bump. Isn't Joe Tipton an unfortunate name for a catcher?

  35. Richard Chester Says:


    Under etc., etc. you can include Lee Walls, Charlie Spikes and Matt Batts.

  36. Johnny Twisto Says:

    Kahuna/34, I think Grant Balfour is the champion in that regard.

  37. FBike1 Says:

    @34: Nick Swisher.

    Duane "Below Job"

  38. John Autin Says:

    @34, Kahuna -- While the Cubs' Thomas Diamond seemed more like a cubic zirconia last year, Minnesota's Scott Diamond (no relation) logged a quality start in his MLB debut on Monday.

    Certain bloggers are waiting breathlessly for Diamond to pitch a gem ... perhaps against Rubby (pronounced "Ruby") De La Rosa. Or win a Gold Glove or Silver Slugger award. Or at least, show a multi-faceted arsenal of pitches. Anyway, it's a good baseball name, and since he's a lefty, he'll probably get all the chances he can stand.

    P.S. Whatever happened to Royce Ring, anyway? 🙂

  39. John Autin Says:

    @31, Duke --

    -- Tom and Pat UNDERwood faced OFF IN a NEAR-perfect match-UP BETWEEN brothers FROM Kokomo, LIKE none seen BEFORE or SINCE; Tigers AGAINST Jays, scoreless UNTIL late, when Detroit got a run ACROSS on Morales's drive PAST the outfielders and OVER the fence DURING the 8th inning in a game played OUTSIDE the U.S. two weeks BEFORE Sparky Anderson was hired.

    (So I didn't actually use them all as prepositions; sue me! BTW, it was the MLB debut for little brother Pat Underwood, and, alas, the best game he'd ever pitch.)

  40. Drew C. Says:

    How about "The Enemy", as in Duane "The Enemy" Below?

  41. John Autin Says:

    @40, Drew -- That sounds good in theory. But I'd be worried that opponents could turn the nickname against him just by changing the last vowel.

  42. Drew C. Says:

    @41, John--ouch! Hadn't thought of that. This nickname-bestowing business is complicated . . .

  43. John Autin Says:

    Drew -- I'm sure that if they had nicknames in his time, Sun Tzu would have said, "To know how your enemy will pervert your nickname, you must become your enemy."

  44. Andy Says:

    I would like to see Below match up against Doug Fister....That would be Fister-Below.

  45. Andy Says:

    That would be sort of like this game:

    Bush vs Wang

  46. John Autin Says:

    (I feel as though we're teetering on the brink, but let's see where it goes from here....)

  47. John Autin Says:

    (At least Bush v. Wang wasn't as bad a shafting as Bush v. Gore....)

  48. Kahuna Tuna Says:

    John, picking up on the lapidary theme of your #38:

    • Beryl Richmond, 1933-34
    • Hi Jasper, 1914-19
    • Onix Concepción, 1980-87
    • Wilferd Pearl “Fred” Osborn, 1907-09, NL outfield putouts leader in 1908
    • Lloyd Opal Russell, 1938
    • Jorge Rubio, 1966-67
    • Richard Garnet Rowland, 1990-95
    • Andy Sonnanstine (“sunstone”), 2007-present

  49. John Autin Says:

    Nice stones, Kahuna.

  50. Andy Says:

    Teetering, indeed. Note I do it on your post, but not mine 🙂

  51. Jimbo Says:

    Below Me Down

  52. John Autin Says:

    Does anyone know who led the NL in outfield putouts in 1908?
    I feel as though the name is right on the tip of my tongue stud.

  53. John Autin Says:

    "I have just been handed a bulletin:"

    Our subject's last name is pronounced "BEE-low".


    OK, I've tried it. It just doesn't work. And this thing has already gone too far. Once you've had Duane Below The Man Down, you can't go back. If we submit to this, what next? -- Al Alburquerque announces that both his q's are silent? J.J. Putz claims that his "u" should be a schwa sound? I won't have it, I tell you!

    You all may do as you like, but I'll continue saying it the way we always have, down through these many hours that we've known him ... or of him.

    As the saying goes, "When the legend becomes fact, blog the legend."
    (At least, that's the way I thought I heard that saying....)

  54. Nash Bruce Says:

    If I were @ a Strat-O-Matic retro tournament (I could only wish!! lol) there is no way, that I could let the dice roll, without commenting on an impending Doug Fister-Rusty Kuntz matchup......

  55. Neil L. Says:

    Nash, my BBRef friend, let me spare you the indignity of being the last to post in this blog. I officially rate your comment as XXX. 🙂

  56. John Autin Says:

    Hey, if Johnny Carson could get away with jokes about his high-school girlfriend, Emily Cockinlocker....

    Anyway, a Strat-O-Matic player gets the benefit of the doubt in my book. I played many a game with the '84 Tigers, and Rusty Kuntz's .393 OBP off the bench came in mighty handy. That team had one of the best benches ever seen this side of Stengel's Yankees.