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Two PI Event Finder Additions

Posted by Neil Paine on June 15, 2011

Here are two recent additions to the Play Index Event Finders (batting and pitching):

14 Responses to “Two PI Event Finder Additions”

  1. Jim Says:

    Thanks for adding these stats. It's just so cool to see.

    Following you on Twitter, and enjoying the tweets. I'm @JWHtweets.

  2. Johnny Twisto Says:

    The Event Finder is a very underrated tool. I don't use it enough but find some great stuff with it.

  3. Sean Forman Says:


    What's the current PI tool power rankings?


  4. birtelcom Says:

    Sean, on a scale of 1-10:
    Season Finder 13
    Game Finder 12
    Event Finder 11

    One observation: I would love to use the "age" criterion in the Game Finder more often, but the database seems to handle that criterion particularly slowly, and searches there that include an Age criterion seem to time out with great frequency.

  5. KB Says:

    Any chance the PI will become available to SABR members? Or would that wipe out too large of a chunk of the customer base?

  6. Tony Pavon Says:

    Would it be possible to add a feature to see what specific base was stolen in a game? Good way to see who stole for the cycle in a game.....

  7. Johnny Twisto Says:

    Good question Sean. I'll have to update my spreadsheets tonight. I can say that the Game Result Tools are also very underrated, because our fine bloggers here often search for things with the Game Finders which are more easily found with the Game Results/Game Reports (maybe the problem is the inconsistent labeling?!)

  8. Dukeofflatbush Says:

    Love and get lost on PI too much, but wish their was a LED LEAGUE to go with greater or equal, equal, or less than or equal.
    I think that would give a better frame of reference when searches are looking for guys who had relatively 'low' (Yaz-.301 or Kiner 23) totals in a major category.

  9. Dave Says:

    What does "pulled" and "the other way" mean?

  10. Neil L. Says:

    Dave, huh?

    "Pulled" means hit to the same field/side of the infield as the side of the plate the batter hits from, especially close to the foul line/foul pole in that field.

    "The other way" means a ball hit to the opposite field/side of the infield as the hitter hits from.

  11. Neil L. Says:

    Sean and Neil Paine,

    I will have to try the additional event options in actual searches to appreciate their power and selectivity.

    Even without the extra tweaks, BRef remains the best stat site on the Internet!

  12. Neil L. Says:


    Could Johnny Twisto be given thread-creation rights in BRef, similar to John Autin?

  13. Mike Gaber Says:

    Just curious:

    When will the 2011 June Draft results be available???.

  14. Two Play Index Additions » Stathead » Blog Archive Says:

    [...] Two Play Index Additions: Baseball-Reference added a few tweaks to the PI Event Finder tools. [...]