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Random Juan Pierre thoughts

Posted by Andy on May 6, 2011

I was just looking at Juan Pierre's player page after Neil mentioned a recent discussion about the guy on another thread.

Some random thoughts:

  • As of today he has exactly 397 walks and 397 strikeouts in his career
  • It's amazing that he led the NL in hits in 2006 but also had an 82 OPS+! That's what you get when you bat leadoff and rarely walk.
  • Hence leading the league in AB 3 different times.
  • He played every single same from 2003 through 2007. Wow.
  • How does such a fast guy ground into 77 double plays, especially when batting leadoff? (You can't lead off the game with a GIDP...)
  • Led the league (or all of MLB) in caught stealing 6 times, plus leading MLB so far in 2011.
  • Hit by pitch might be saving his career OBP. He's gotten on base at a .346 clip...certainly not great but not horrible. His low walk total really hurts him, but he's got 89 times hit by pitch in his career, which really helps a lot.
  • At the moment, he has 911 career runs scored. 9-1-1 indeed.

105 Responses to “Random Juan Pierre thoughts”

  1. Timmy P Says:

    Great point JB

  2. Tim Patrick Says:

    Well I would like to respond, but it appears Neil has cried a river and I won't be allowed to post anymore.

  3. Neil Paine Says:

    Nobody "cried a river" and nobody was intentionally blocked from commenting. We had a server error that apparently lost 2 comments in the last several hours. I'll try to recover them in WordPress; I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.

  4. Andy Says:

    Np, I manually approved those two comments roughly an hour ago so they should be posted. One from Timmy and one from Ken.

  5. Timmy Patrick Says:

    Jack Cust is a marginal player, and Rickey Weeks is a bad player. Doc Cramer was a very good player, that did benefit from WWII as he was 36 in 1942 and so played several more years of slap-hitting and walking. Doc had 345 K's in 20 years, 15 as a full time starter. Doc was not the base stealing threat that Pierre is though.