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Gil Meche retires

Posted by Andy on January 18, 2011

Gil Meche announced his retirement today.

He's both the poster boy and anti-poster boy for the Royals. He's the anti-poster boy because the Royals gave him a big-money 5-year contract. He's the poster boy because over 2007-2008 among the 45 pitchers to start at least 60 games, he's one of a handful to have a losing record:

Rk Player W-L% GS CG W L IP ERA ERA+
1 Matt Cain .333 66 2 15 30 417.2 3.71 120
2 Carlos Silva .370 61 3 17 29 355.1 5.17 83
3 Daniel Cabrera .378 64 3 17 28 384.1 5.41 84
4 Ian Snell .400 63 1 16 24 372.1 4.50 96
5 Scott Olsen .409 66 0 18 26 378.1 4.95 88
6 Barry Zito .412 65 0 21 30 376.2 4.83 92
7 Edwin Jackson .422 62 1 19 26 344.1 5.04 88
8 Paul Maholm .442 60 3 19 24 384.0 4.31 99
9 Kevin Millwood .442 60 3 19 24 341.1 5.12 88
10 Greg Maddux .478 67 1 22 24 392.0 4.18 94
11 Bronson Arroyo .480 68 2 24 26 410.2 4.49 101
12 Braden Looper .480 63 1 24 26 374.0 4.52 96
13 Aaron Harang .489 63 3 22 23 416.0 4.20 108
14 Gil Meche .489 68 1 23 24 426.1 3.82 117
Provided by View Play Index Tool Used
Generated 1/18/2011.

Notice how he started more games than most and had a higher ERA+, and yet he was still in this group of "losers". Over that same time period, 19 pitchers started at least 60 games and had an ERA over 110. Only Meche and Matt Cain had losing records.

23 Responses to “Gil Meche retires”

  1. Trendon Says:

    He is also the poster boy for integrity or insane (depending on your view) because he passed up on $12 million guaranteed.

  2. Dr. Doom Says:

    Andy - I think you meant *lower* ERA in your bottom paragraph.

  3. Andy Says:

    Actually I meant higher ERA+, and I fixed that. Thanks.

  4. Gil Meche retires » Baseball-Reference Blog » Blog Archive | Baseball News and Events Says:

    [...] rest is here: Gil Meche retires » Baseball-Reference Blog » Blog Archive Posted in General Tags: era, generated, group, started-more, time-period « Freeman No. 2 [...]

  5. Ryan Says:

  6. Andy Says:

    Man...I wish the author of that Deadspin article linked to our blog, given how much he talked about things that have been discussed in detail here, like how Wins and Losses don't matter, etc.

  7. Stanley Says:

    Every time I heard or read his name, I thought of Phillip Roth's "The Great American Novel" and his character Gil Gamesh, the Babylonian-American pitcher with incomparable stuff who begins to come unhinged when an umpire misses a call. (The character's name is based on Babylonian legend, Gilgamesh.)

  8. MikeD Says:

    @1, I wonder if he really did pass up all of the $12 million. I can see a scenario where he went back to the Royals and they worked out a deal. He wasn't going to provide any value for them in 2011, so even if he gave back "only" $4 million, and takes away $8 million, then that's still an extra $4 million in the Royals' pocket. He retires, his player contract is now void, and the Royals sign him to a new business contract. Everyone wins.

    Not saying this happened, but I wouldn't be surprised, and I'm not sure how we'd ever know.

  9. hulk hogan Says:

  10. Johnny Twisto Says:

    given how much he talked about things that have been discussed in detail here, like how Wins and Losses don't matter, etc.

    Didn't read the article, but I have a feeling the importance of W/L record had been discussed once or twice before the mighty B-R Blog came along...

  11. Locode Says:

    14 of 41 is a handful?

  12. Andy Says:

    JT, yeah it's just the timeliness of his links that struck me...not trying to suggest that this blog is the be-all and end-all.

    Locode, I was wondering when you'd show your face again. Excellent nitpicking, I'm sure we're all very impressed.

  13. mccombe35 Says:

    That 132 pitch GC he threw in Jun of '09 did him in. I happened to be posting with a KC fan during that game & half-joking said that game would ruin him. Look what he did since...

  14. Baseball Catchers Gloves Says:

    Poster boy...there's yin and yang to his poster boyness. There's been a lot of buzz on this topic, and everyone has their own opinion. Looking forward to reading more of your comments!

  15. John Autin Says:

    Pop quiz: Name the only KC pitcher in the last 10 years combined who has 20+ wins for the Royals and a winning record.

  16. John Autin Says:

    Time's up! The answer to my question @15: Paul Byrd.

  17. John Autin Says:

    The starkest fact in the table atop this thread:
    Matt Cain had the best ERA+ (120), but the worst W% (.333).

  18. Tmckelv Says:


    But I bet he is feeling much better now.

  19. Tmckelv Says:

    I love when we talk W-L / ERA+...

    Bronson Arroyo:
    2007 - 9-15 / 109
    2008 - 15-11 / 93

  20. Kahuna Tuna Says:

    And then there's everyone's favorite W-L / ERA+: Nolan Ryan, 1987 — 8-16 / 142.

    I've always liked Larry Christenson, 1977 — 19-6 / 99. The ERA+ exactly matches his career figure, and without 1977 his career W-L record is 64-65. Sort of a Mr. Average Starting Pitcher, like Gil Meche.

  21. Johnny Twisto Says:

    My favorite was always:

    Bob Wickman, 1993 Yankees: 14-4, 4.63 (90)
    Anthony Young, 1993 Mets: 1-16, 3.77 (108)

  22. John Autin Says:

    How about the career of poor Ned Garvin?

    -- Career W-L record of 58-97 (.374 W%), with a 125 ERA+ (2.72 ERA).

    -- In 7 seasons, Garvin never had a winning record; even in the 2 years that he changed teams mid-season, his record with each team was .500 or worse. Yet, except for his 2-game debut, in each season (including each split), his ERA+ was at least 104.

  23. Josh Robbins Says: