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Blog Theme Updated. Please report bugs

Posted by Sean Forman on October 28, 2010

Phew, after about 10 hours of hacking on chrome, IE, and firefox, I believe I've got a new blog theme that works pretty well in all of them.

The major changes:

Cleaned stuff up and now it uses the same stylesheet and js as the main site, so it will be much quicker to load when you travel from the main site to here.

Added tweet this and facebook like buttons to every page.

Added a default gravatar of Honus Wagner. I may mess around with this as time permits. I thought about using a random player, but that seems like it would be a waste of bandwidth. You can set up your own here:, Grab a b-r player photo and make one.

It should look pretty good in any browser now.

Any new tables that authors paste in should have full b-r functionality for users.

It is much faster to load.

5 Responses to “Blog Theme Updated. Please report bugs”

  1. Jimmy Leiderman Says:

    Looking good and loading fast.

  2. DJ Says:

    Loaded very fast on the iPhone! Looks great.

  3. pcg Says:

    Looks great, Sean—nice work!

  4. skyjo Says:

    So.... by 'default gravatar' you mean the pic to the right of the comment? If my comment features Honus Wagner, I will take that as a 'yes'.

  5. DavidRF Says:
