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Bengie Molina Will Get A Ring This Year, No Matter What

Posted by Steve Lombardi on October 23, 2010

Here's the story.

Wow. A Rangers-Giants World Series. Ten days ago, who woulda thunk it?

Is anyone going to ask Gaylord Perry, John Burkett and Will Clark to pick a side?

13 Responses to “Bengie Molina Will Get A Ring This Year, No Matter What”

  1. Steve Lombardi Says:

    Here's a little trivia for you: A member of the 2010 Giants and a member of the 2010 Rangers both once threw no-hit games for the Yankees. Can you name them? 😉

  2. Jeff Says:

    Dave Righetti and Andy Hawkins

  3. Jerome Laruccia Says:

    Dave Righetti & Andy Hawkins

  4. Tommy Says:

    how many times has that happened? playing for both pennant winners in a season?

  5. Pat D Says:

    Oh, come, come. We all know that Andy Hawkins' no-hitter isn't a no-hitter anymore.

  6. Chipmaker Says:

    I know of a few.

    Jim Bruske, 1998 Yankees & Padres (DNP in World Series).
    Lonnie Smith, 1985 Royals & Cardinals.
    Sid Monge, 1984 Tigers & Padres (DNP).
    Johnny Schmitz, 1952 Yankees & Dodgers (DNP).
    Jack Kramer, 1951 Yankees & Giants (DNP).

    And going back to before the World Series began, Jimmy Burke played on both 1901 league champions, the White Sox and Pirates.

  7. buckweaver Says:

    @Tommy (#4):

    Not sure how many times it's happened, but here's one:

    Johnny Schmitz, 1952. He didn't make either team's postseason roster, because he ended the season with Cincinnati.

    Pitched in 10 games for the Dodgers in 1952, put on waivers. The Yankees picked him up on Aug. 1; he pitched 5 games for them. On Aug. 28, he was traded to the Reds (with 3 players and $35K) for Ewell Blackwell.

  8. Bryce Says:

    What ever happened to Chris Ray? Would he get one too?

  9. Phrozen Says:

    Seems wrong, somehow, that Bengie Molina would get a ring if the Giants win.

    Sortof like Adam Eaton getting a ring in 2008. Ugh.

  10. Douglas Heeren Says:

    Maybe Gaylord Perry should show a few current Giants and Rangers pitchers how to throw his "hard slider".

  11. Steve Lombardi Says:

    Dave Righetti & Andy Hawkins
    are correct! 😉

  12. DoubleDiamond Says:

    Some Yankees fans are accustomed to rooting for the Giants and the Rangers. They just happen to play football and hockey. The Phillies fans who are also Eagles and Flyers fans may have problems rooting for a team that represents Dallas or a team called the Rangers. The same Eagles fans may have problems rooting for a team called the Giants.

  13. Larry R. Says:

    If Bengie Molina had played longer for SF than the Rangers (which I don't think he did), wouldn't be benefit financially by the Giants winning? His part-share would be greater with his old team than his new one if that were the case. If you see alot of passed balls in Game 1 you'll know why!