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Carlos Zambrano’s short start (and short temper)

Posted by Andy on June 25, 2010

I see Carlos Zambrano lasted just 1 inning in his start today against the White Sox.

That's the shortest start of his career. Here were his previous shortest outings before today:

Rk Date Tm Opp Rslt App,Dec IP H R ER BB SO HR Pit Str GSc
1 2010-04-05 CHC ATL L 5-16 GS-2 ,L 1.1 6 8 8 2 1 2 49 28 9
2 2006-09-04 CHC PIT L 4-5 GS-2 ,L 1.1 4 5 4 4 1 0 43 23 25
3 2008-09-19 CHC STL L 6-12 GS-2 ,L 1.2 6 8 8 3 1 1 45 25 9
4 2005-06-22 CHC MIL L 4-9 GS-2 ,L 1.2 7 8 8 1 2 1 51 34 10
5 2003-06-12 CHC BAL L 1-6 GS-2 ,L 2.0 5 4 3 1 1 0 43 29 32
6 2002-08-20 CHC HOU W 14-12 GS-3 2.2 7 7 7 5 1 1 72 38 12
7 2009-08-01 CHC FLA W 9-8 GS-3 3.0 3 2 1 3 2 0 62 35 46
8 2005-08-07 CHC NYM L 1-6 GS-3 ,L 3.0 4 4 2 3 2 0 80 50 38
Provided by View Play Index Tool Used
Generated 6/25/2010.

Reports say he was screaming at Derrek Lee in the dugout and had to be separated from him.

10 Responses to “Carlos Zambrano’s short start (and short temper)”

  1. Fireworks Says:

    I was always a bit troubled by how when Bradley was a Cubbie last year, before the end of the year controversy, he had that outburst in the middle of the season and Piniella got all over him, but Zambrano had had an outburst shortly before that and it seemed like that was okay.

  2. Spartan Bill Says:

    I watched the game, and he was pissed at Lee for not making a play. Juan Pierre doubled down the RF line, and Zambrano felt Lee should have made the play.

    He wasn't upset with Colvin for not catching a double, a single or the 3-run dinger that Carlos Quinton put about 8 rows into the seats that inning though. Somehow that was OK. WGN interviewed a surprisingly calm Lou Pinella after the game, and all he said was that he and the GM would be discussing it.

    Reading between the lines, I expect Zambrano will be an Ex-Cub real soon.

  3. Johnny Twisto Says:

    He ain't getting traded with that contract, and he ain't getting released with that contract.

  4. Fireworks Says:

    MLBN is reporting that Zambrano is suspended indefinitely.

  5. Spartan Bill Says:

    MLB Network just reported that CZ has been suspended indefinitely

    Hendrie said "we will play with 24 men before we tolerate this." I don't know the fine points of the standard MLB contract, but I imagine there is some sort of out clause in situations like this. i am sure the Cubs and the Players Union bth have attorneys who are looking into this right now.

    Even if the Cubs have to eat the 18M (or whatever it is), he is a cancer in the clubhouse and is eating a roster spot. It sounds like there are 24 teammates who won;t mind seeing him thrown under the bus.

  6. Mike Anderson Says:

    Carlos Zambrano has always had a short temper. No athlete should have problems with their teammates. If he pitched well, there wouldn't be any temper tantrums. Maybe he should start focusing on fixing his pitching technique.

  7. Johnny Twisto Says:

    Zambrano has about $50M left on his contract, plus a $20M vesting option (not sure what it takes to vest). He still has too much talent to just release and watch him turn it around for someone else for free.

    And there's no way this is something that would make a contract voidable.

  8. angelo morelli Says:

    Hey its part of baseball maybe just maybe that will light a fire under their asses, oh and derek lee sure could have made a better effort on that play. (no crying in baseball) Play Ball!

  9. Bryan Mueller Says:

    @Angelo: I respect your opinion but I disagree with you. Derrek Lee was playing in on that double so I think it was a much harder play than we realize. Lee has been having a tough time recently but let's not forget he is a gold-glover.

    Although I don't agree with Zambrano's actions, Bob Brenly had a good point when he said that it was nice to see some emotion from the team....albeit Zambrano took it way over the top. I have been a Cubs fan for all 26 years of my life, and I must say no player (maybe Prior) has frustrated me more than Zambrano. He has become a posterboy for those pitchers who we (as fans) have no idea whether he will go 8 innings of 1 run ball or whether he will give up 5 runs and last only 4 innings. I will admit I know very little about how contract work and what all the $ figures mean, but I can't see the Cubs easily getting rid of him. It may be too big of a question for other GM's to figure out which Zambrano they would get. For the sake of Zambrano and Cubs fans, let's just hope he gets it figured out.

  10. Padman Jones Says:

    His option vests if he finishes in 1st or 2nd in the Cy Young voting in 2011 or 2012 (can't remember) and if he finishes the 2012 season healthy. If they're gonna trade him, it's time to play NBA GM and start matching up salaries, because no one's taking on his deal unless they're trying to dump money.