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The Days Of Mussina Rolling A Hard Seven Are Over

Posted by Steve Lombardi on June 24, 2007

Mike Mussina pitched today for the New York Yankees.  He went 5 innings in the game.  This got me thinking: How many times has Moose Mussina pitched 7+ innings in a game for the Yankees? 

Using the Play Index Pitching Game Finder for Mike Mussina, and setting it for "From 1991 to 2007, Playing for NYY, (requiring IP>=7)" shows that Mussina has pitched 7+ innings in a game for the Yankees the following amount of times:

2007: 1 (in 12 Games Started [GS] to date)
2006: 10 (in 32 GS)
2005: 10 (in 30 GS)
2004: 9 (in 27 GS)
2003:  21 (in 31 GS)
2002:  14 (in 33 GS)
2001: 22 (in 34 GS)

As you can see, coming into this season, at least 10 times a year (thereabouts), Moose has been good for 7+ IP in a start.

Mussina has, maybe, about 17 more starts this season - assuming that he does not miss any time.  Mike will have to go 7+ innings in around half of those 17 starts to give the Yankees his "usual" 10+ games (in a season) where he goes 7+ innings.

I don't think he's going to make it.

One Response to “The Days Of Mussina Rolling A Hard Seven Are Over”

  1. Damno Te Says:

    Sadly those numbers are showing more and more for every pitcher as managers use MRP and CP more often to save or win games. I miss the old days, not that I was able to watch games in the 1920's, when pitchers would toss a 15 inning complete game and loose!