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RESULTS: 2007 World Series Challenge: Game 3

Posted by Andy on October 28, 2007

Now we've got ourselves a real game here, even if the World Series itself looks pretty lopsided.

Jumping in:

  • Josh Fogg's awful game score of 14 wasn't predicted by anybody. The average guess was a much healthier 50. Closest was Dre17 with 32, which helped him a lot in the standings.
  • Colorado actually scored 5 runs, and the average guess was 4.8: not too shabby. Three players, wellspr, doug730, and ToddCoffeysUsernameIsTooLong got it right.
  • Colorado LOB was actually 11, with the average guess at 8. kingturtle got it exactly right. If memory serves, I think Oliver has exactly nailed at least one prediction in every game so far.
  • Colorado Home Run Guess: hey we finally have a winner. Several people guessed Holliday.
  • Matsuzaka's game score was 56, and the average guess was 51 Nobody got it exactly right, but ImAShark guessed 57 and several others were very close.
  • Boston scored 10 runs, far eclipsing the average guess of 4.9. Closest, with 8, was Dre17, which also contributed significantly to his score.
  • Boston LOB = 7, average guess = 8.7. Three players, Dre17, truman, and doug730 got it exactly right. (Are you starting to see a trend with Dre17 yet?)
  • Boston Home Run Guess: once again no homers for Boston. It's amazing that they've scored, what, 25 runs and hit only 1 homer?

So, for this game, the average score was 110.

The top 5 finishers for Game 3 were:

1. Dre17 - 28 points
2. doug730 - 31
3. spartanbill - 56
4. zimcity - 61
5. budcrew08 - 92

That's 2 wins for Dre17 in 3 games--very impressive. So, Doug, you should have done a slightly better job in copying Dre17...heh. Both the top 2 finishers got the smallest scores we've seen so far, edging out wellspr's 38 from Game 2.

Without further delay, here are the overall leaders for Games 1, 2, and 3 of the 2007 World Series Challenge:

1. Dre17 - 210
2. doug730 - 240
3. zimcity - 257
4. larryhisle - 278
5. spartanbill - 311

As it turns out, the 6th place person has 360 points, so anybody not in the top 5 has a fairly poor shot at winning the whole enchilada.

Winning this thing is going to come down to picking the winning pitchers correctly, and in tomorrow's matchup of Aaron Cook and Jon Lester, that's a very tough thing to do.

By the way, looking at what my own ballots would have been had I entered, I would (really) have been in last place at this point!

Thanks everybody for participating. Perhaps there is just one game to go! The Game 4 post is already up, so just make your way back there to post your guesses for tonight's game.

2 Responses to “RESULTS: 2007 World Series Challenge: Game 3”

  1. pcg Says:

    "[A]nybody not in the top 5 has a fairly poor shot at winning the whole enchilada."

    That's kind of assuming the game doesn't go past four, the Rockies don't mount some sort of bizarre comeback and flip a few games (e.g., run Beckett in game 5), etc. I think that's a valid assumption, but I wanted to point out that #6 and on might have more than just game 4 to catch up to Dre17. 🙂

    BTW, been reading the blog now for only a couple of weeks. You guys do a fantastic job of teasing meaning from the numbers, and I love the posts. Great work!

  2. budcrew08 Says:

    I wish I had played in game one... I'd be in the top five after three games, but not after game four.