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Moundsmen Who Get It Done In October – And Often

Posted by Steve Lombardi on October 26, 2007

How many pitchers, in baseball history, have thrown 10 or more games in the post-season where they've gone 6+ innings and allowed 1 earned run or less in each game?  Thanks to's Play Index Pitching Game Finder for the post-season, we know the answer

                   Games Link to Individual Games 

  Tom Glavine          16 Ind. Games 
  Andy Pettitte        12 Ind. Games 
  John Smoltz          11 Ind. Games     
  Curt Schilling       11 Ind. Games 
  Roger Clemens        10 Ind. Games

That's it - just these 5 hurlers.  With another good post-season or two, Andy Pettitte might pass Tom Glavine on this list for the top spot.  Would that give Pettitte a claim towards the title of "Greatest Post-Season Pitching Career"?  It's an interesting debate.

Then again, how many people would be willing to say that about Tom Glavine now?

2 Responses to “Moundsmen Who Get It Done In October – And Often”

  1. Andy Says:

    At this point in his career, I'd say Pettitte has less than a 5% chance of passing Glavine on that list.

  2. wellspr Says:

    The total number is ok but percent would be better. Glavine and Pettitte each have 35 games started, Clemens 34, Smoltz 27, and Schilling 19.
    So That means .46 for Glavine, .34 for Pettite, 41 for Smoltz, .58 for Schilling, and .29 for Clemens. In this case Schilling is the best.

    I wonder who has the best percentage for at least 10 post season starts.