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Who am I? #2

Posted by Andy on December 8, 2009

Who am I?

  • I finished my pitching career with a winning record and an ERA+ better than 110.
  • I never won or lost 20 games in a season.
  • My neutralized pitching record suggests that I deserved more than 200 wins and fewer than 150 losses.
  • The teams I pitched for made it to the World Series three times but we never won!

In short, I was a good pitcher for many years but because I never won 20 games or was part of a championship team, I'm not very well-known.

Post your guesses in the comments or you can ask questions to try to get some hints.

5 Responses to “Who am I? #2”

  1. aawillsher Says:

    Larry French!

  2. Andy Says:

    Indeed I am!

  3. kman1968 Says:

    crap, i just figured it out but had to register to post.

  4. Devon Says:

    I think that was a toughie. Love this whole "who am I?" series you're starting. Throw us another!

  5. gerry Says:

    French had one of the best last years of any pitcher ever. In his final season, he was 15-4 with an ERA+ of 178.