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Crowd watching “playograph” 1911 WS

Posted by Sean Forman on November 2, 2009

Crowd watching "playograph" at Herald Bldg., World Series, 1911 (LOC) on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Interest in the WS has always been high. The picture above is from the 1911 World Series. Gameday Circa 1911.

One Response to “Crowd watching “playograph” 1911 WS”

  1. hnice Says:

    There's a scene in the (excellent) Harold Lloyd movie "Speedy" with a similar thing happening. I'm pretty sure it's at, or outside of, a coffee shop where Lloyd goes to, you know, slip on a banana peel or something. I had the same thought -- Hey! Gameday! -- when I first saw it a couple of years ago.In general, a really good New York movie and baseball movie.