Years with most 50-HR seasons – Baseball-Reference PI
Posted by Sean Forman on June 15, 2007
Years with most 50-HR seasons - Baseball-Reference PI
Another new option on both the game and season finders allows you to find the seasons with the most players matching a certain criteria. For example, above are the seasons with the most players to hit 50 home runs. You can do things like seasons with most 3-HR games on the road, or seasons with most saves or seasons with most 10-SO games, etc. etc.
To do the 50-HR seasons, I used the Batting Season Finder, selected the years 1901-2007 and then in additional criteria set HR >= 50 and then Sorted By : "Years w/ most players" and get results. Under the Matching your criteria in the Sorted By options are a number of special options to find the most times something happened.