Spanish version of B-R Linker now available
Posted by Neil Paine on April 25, 2011
Automatic Player Linker / Add your site to our newsfeeds
This weekend, we added a version of our Linker Tool that will work on Spanish-language sites:
B-R Bookmarklet
When you use that bookmarklet on a post, it will now find matching names with tildes and accent marks, ensuring that players like Magglio Ordóñez, etc. will never again go unlinked again.
And if you like this feature, be sure to email us to let us know you want to be added to our player newsfeeds. ¡Muchas gracias!
April 25th, 2011 at 11:14 am
Great! It will be of much help since for years some ballplayers had been difficult to find. But also, it will give people of other languages a better idea of why their names are pronounced differently. Where an accent is placed means that the syllable should be pronounced with emphasis, as or-DO-ñez.