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Bloops: Rare footage of Ruth and Gehrig Unearthed

Posted by Neil Paine on March 22, 2011

From the NY Times:

"Amid eight reels of 16-millimeter film recently discovered in excellent condition in an Illinois cellar are three and a half minutes of Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig wearing the uniforms, but not the caps, of their barnstorming teams. The film is believed to have been shot with a high-end home movie camera in or around Sioux City, Iowa, on Oct. 18, 1927 — 10 days after the Yankees completed a four-game World Series sweep of the Pittsburgh Pirates."

7 Responses to “Bloops: Rare footage of Ruth and Gehrig Unearthed”

  1. DavidRF Says:

    Wow. Ruth was already a very large man at just 32 and half years old. Funny thing is that he aged better than most performance-wise. Look at his numbers *after* this video was taken:

    He still hit 195 OPS+ after that.

  2. steven Says:

    Steroids in all those hot dogs? Maybe they called it "Human G-Ruth Hormone."

  3. luke mayo Says:

    pretty good speech from the babe at the inaugural hall of fame induction ceremony-did not realize such little video of ruth

  4. Lawrence Azrin Says:

    @3/ There is one particular piece of video of Babe Ruth swinging and running out a HR, that seems to be used in countless stories and documentaries about him - does anyone know the origin of that?

  5. Stu Baron Says:

    How does one see the video? Is there a link?

  6. Doug B Says:

    click on "From the NY Times" for the link.

  7. SocraticGadfly Says:

    Loved the Ruth/Cobb/Johnson film at MLB that was linked in the story.