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.320+ BA in Last Season

Posted by Raphy on January 25, 2009

It is being reported that Sean Casey will be retiring after hitting .322 for the Red Sox.  Here are all the players who have batted over .320 with at least 200 PA in their final seasons. It is  interesting to note, that like Casey, 9 out of the previous 11 were under 35.

  Cnt Player              **BA**   PA Year Age Tm  Lg  G   AB  R   H  2B 3B HR RBI  BB IBB  SO HBP  SH  SF GDP  SB CS  OBP   SLG   OPS  Positions
    1 Joe Jackson          .382   649 1920  30 CHW AL 146 570 105 218 42 20 12 121  56   0  14   7  16   0   0   9 12  .444  .589 1.033 *7
    2 Happy Felsch         .338   613 1920  28 CHW AL 142 556  88 188 40 15 14 115  37   0  25   4  16   0   0   8 13  .384  .540  .924 *8
    3 Buck Weaver          .331   690 1920  29 CHW AL 151 629 102 208 34  8  2  75  28   0  23   6  27   0   0  19 17  .365  .420  .785 *56
    4 Monk Sherlock        .324   335 1930  25 PHI NL  92 299  51  97 18  2  0  38  27   0  28   0   9   0   0   0  0  .380  .398  .778 *3/48
    5 Zack Wheat           .324   276 1927  39 PHA AL  88 247  34  80 12  1  1  38  18   0   5   4   7   0   0   2  3  .379  .393  .772 *7/98
    6 Walt McCredie        .324   242 1903  26 BRO NL  56 213  40  69  5  0  0  20  24   0   0   2   3   0   0  10  0  .397  .347  .744 *9
    7 Ty Cobb              .323   393 1928  41 PHA AL  95 353  54 114 27  4  1  40  34   0  16   4   2   0   0   5  8  .389  .431  .820 *9
    8 Chicken Hawks        .322   366 1925  29 PHI NL 105 320  52 103 15  5  5  45  32   0  33   2  12   0   0   3  6  .387  .447  .834 *3
    9 John Sullivan        .322   274 1921  31 TOT NL  81 245  28  79 14  4  4  41  19   0  26   1   9   0   0   3  5  .374  .461  .835
   10 Bill Keister         .320   429 1903  31 PHI NL 100 400  53 128 27  7  3  63  14   0   0   6   9   0   0  11  0  .352  .445  .797 *9
   11 Sam Dungan           .320   610 1901  34 WSH AL 138 559  70 179 26 12  1  73  40   0   0   2   9   0   0   9  0  .368  .415  .783 *93/7

3 Responses to “.320+ BA in Last Season”

  1. JohnnyTwisto Says:

    I had no idea Casey played so much or so effectively last season.

    Hmm, the White Sox sure took a hit when all those guys decided to retire...

  2. Jgeller Says:

    Sean Casey hit 54 points above the league average. The only people on this list to hit for more points above the league average are McCredie, Felsch, and the immortal Joe Jackson (99 points).
    Also of note is all but Dungan and McCredie played their season in Chicago or Philadelphia. Perhaps there was something in the air in those years.
    And since Casey played in Fenway, we can say that every one played in a ballpark built during the dead-ball era.
    Finally, as you pointed out, Casey and 9 of the 11 did this before the age of 35. The remaining two are the only Hall of Famers on the list.

  3. TheGoof Says:

    Just imagine the egg on the face of MLB if the Black Sox had been allowed to play those last games and won the pennant. It is largely forgotten today that those guys were pulled while the team was in arm's length of the pennant. I believe it was 1/2 game back with three to play.

    Technically, Mike Donlin didn't hit .320 in any of his last three seasons, but if you want to see a guy who walked away on top of his game more than once, look at his numbers. He just might be the biggest "what if" of all time. Had this guy really brought his A game and not been involved in crime and vaudeville, who knows? His four full seasons, 1901, 1903, 1905 and 1908, are incredible.