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Bloops: Drawing Every Hall of Famer

Posted by Neil Paine on March 11, 2011

Very cool find here:

Every Hall of Famer

It's a blog where Summer Anne Burton plans to draw a picture of all 295 Baseball Hall of Famers in the 2011 calendar year. Click here for an interview with Burton about the project.

5 Responses to “Bloops: Drawing Every Hall of Famer”

  1. Random Sports Guy Says:


  2. Lawrence Azrin Says:

    When I was a kid, I remember these sort of illustrated baseball caricatures appearing in the Sports sections of several local newspapers as a regular feature, but they seem to have died off somewhere along the line (sometime in the 70s?). I actually learned a lot of factiods from those caricatures.

    This is more than awesome, it's WICKED awesome...

  3. BSK Says:

    I love the one for Landis. Call a spade a spade.

  4. John Autin Says:

    Neil, thanks for posting this. She's got a great project going, and I look forward to seeing the rest of it.

  5. Ron Kaplan Says:

    Thanks for the "traffic," Neil.