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Trivia – Who am I?

Posted by Andy on February 19, 2011

I was reminded today of one of my favorite players. I like this guy because he had a lot of major-league success and yet I think he's almost completely anonymous among fans.

Here are some clues--I'm curious to see how long it takes for a reader to guess correctly.

  • played in 3 different decades
  • pitched more than 1,000 innings
  • pitched in the post-season
  • never an All-Star nor received a single Cy Young vote
  • finished with an ERA+ above 100

I know that's sort of vague, but that's my point. Let's see how long it takes to find the right guy. Once we get it, I'll post a link to the thing that reminded me of him.

48 Responses to “Trivia – Who am I?”

  1. Shane Says:

    Is it Mike Torrez?

  2. Andy Says:


    I won't necessarily reply to every single comment since I can't sit by the computer all morning...:)

  3. Mr. Dave Says:

    Danny Darwin?

  4. tim Says:

    Mike Timlin fits all those criteria. I imagine more than one guy matches that description. Can't imagine why anyone would be thinking of Mike Timlin unless they were a hitter.

  5. Matt Balitewicz Says:

    Moe Drabowsky?

  6. Andy Says:

    Nobody has got him yet. He is more obscure than everyone named so far.

  7. George Parello Says:

    Dick Drago

  8. Spartan Bill Says:

    Dick Hall????

  9. Mr. Dave Says:

    I know this one is going way back, but Smoky Joe Wood?

  10. MrCinatit Says:

    Bob miller

  11. RichardKC Says:

    Herb Pennock?

  12. Andy Says:

    Nobody got it yet...

  13. 74 Dodgers Says:

    The Cy Young award wasn't given until the 50's when Don Newcome was the first winner. I'll vote for Tommy John.

  14. Terry Says:

    Larry Anderson falls just under 1000 IP, so it's not him

  15. Patrick Says:

    Rudy May?

  16. George Parello Says:

    Tug Mcgraw, Tim's Dad.

  17. Frank Clingenpeel Says:

    How about Cy Young himself?

  18. mikeyjax Says:

    Yes off topic but.. not sure how else to reach most of BBREF nation -- for the longest time the player link said search 17,498 players --- it now says 17,497 --- how'd we lose one?


  19. Frank Clingenpeel Says:

    My other guess -- George Brunet -- just failed. His ERA+ was 92

  20. MJ Says:

    Bob McClure?

  21. Andy Says:

    Yes! Bob McClure!

    Scott of the 83' Fleer project just posted an autographed card of McClure. Let me get the link and post it.

  22. Andy Says:

  23. Mr. Dave Says:

    Last guess - Dennis Lamp

  24. Albanate Says:

    Bump Hadley?

  25. George Says:

    Skip Lockwood??

  26. koma Says:

    lol, i got another almost COMPLETELY anonymous player meeting your criteria, and he even got 1005 Games played

  27. Frank Clingenpeel Says:

    I think we just witnessed another record. Koma was probably the first person to mention Michael Jackson, and use "completely obscure" to describe him instead of some off-the-wall reference to thrillers, bobbed noses or bleached skin.

  28. Andrew Says:

    For what it's worth... besides McClure, and limiting to those who pitched at least one season in the Cy Young era, I believe all of these guys fit the criteria:

    Juan Berenguer, Pedro Borbon, Moe Drabowski, Dick Hall, Ken Johnson, Dennis Lamp, Rudy May, Mickey McDermott, Bob Miller, Jim Rooker, Dan Schatzeder

  29. DavidRF Says:

    Bob McClure? Wow. I actually remember imitating his delivery as a kid (and I'm not a Brewer fan).

    He would turn his back to the plate, but he did it without also leaning back. It was a simple 90 degree twist on his planted back foot. I can't imagine he got much of a push out of doing that but perhaps it was deceptive.

  30. chris Says:

    Jamie Moyer

  31. Dr. Doom Says:

    Andy, no one who played for the '82 Brewers will EVER be anonymous amongst Brewers fans - just like anyone who played for the '57 Braves. Those of us from Milwaukee don't have a lot of baseball to celebrate, so we cling pretty hard to what we've got!

  32. Joe Conlon Says:

    Hoyt Wilhelm

  33. joe baseball Says:

    Babe Ruth pitched in 3 different decades and in the post season. ERA+ over 100, innings pitched over 1000, never pitched in an all-star game, never received a cy young vote.

  34. joe baseball Says:

    Oil Can Boyd fits all the requirements if you count minor league pitching for the 3 decade requirement

  35. joe baseball Says:

    the answer is Dennis Lamp

  36. Kevin Says:

    Dennis Cook

  37. John Autin Says:

    Andy -- Even though the mystery has been solved, I'm just wondering what your self-imposed guidelines are for this type of trivia question. Specifically, when you say something like, "never an All-Star nor received a single Cy Young vote," is it safe to assume that at least part of his career fell during the All-Star & Cy Young Award eras?


  38. Frank Clingenpeel Says:

    Great post, Andy! Between you and my grandkids, I am going to have to stay sharp.

  39. Andy Says:

    JA it would not be my intention to mislead.

  40. CW Says:

    Vida Blue

  41. Nash Bruce Says:

    Charlie Morton.

  42. tim Says:

    Kind of a dumb question since there were multiple guys matching the criteria and we were supposed to guess the one you were "thinking of." If you wanna ask trivia questions, you gotta put a little more research into it so that there's only one answer.

  43. Mark Says:

    Not sure if this is what reminded you of him, but the LA Times recently ran an article on Lamp, where he now works in a supermarket out this way, and is extremely popular with the customers. Apparently works just to stay busy.

  44. T Says:

    My guess was gonna be Jesse Orosco, but he was an All-Star once or twice.

  45. Gary Says:

    Mike Morgan

  46. Bill Tuck Says:

    It seems to me the most obvious question hasn't been asked you. Did he throw righthanded?

  47. Bjazz Says:

    Danny Darwin

  48. Jon S C Says:

    Juan Berenguer, Dick Hall, Dolf Luque